
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Videogame Review, “Gunstar Heroes” for the Sega Genesis

Videogame Review, “Gunstar Heroes” for the Sega Genesis

The gunstars are back in outer space, looking for close-counter outlets to let their freak-flag fly proudly; nook-ing a war zone, or two, and battling out a reckless warfare as they check out the galaxy scene with down-to-earth aliens, the good guys create intense rivalries and if fate permits, try something else… saving the Gunstar 9 planet, or as otherwise its neighborhoods, watchdogs, and people call it “Planet G-9”.  Where the moment takes treasure hunters, surprise gunstars.

An evil empire seeks out a god who can challenge G-9’s status to its fullest extent, the rusty tin corpse with devilish eyes who is more powerful than us and is God of Ruin.  Not too many guidelines there, just “Golden Silver the Destructor”- (not to be confused with Chaos, “The God of Destruction” from Sonic Adventure, another videogame Sega sells-) just “Golden Silver the Destructor” and apocalyptic consequences.  Spontaneity is definitely a turn-off; above all, the best thing in the world is four lovely gems at the end of a day hard night.

 Colonel Smash Daisaku’s army think they are on their way to a magic sack of four gems, starting chaos and going through world domination ‘till the gunstars reawaken.  As they wake once more, the family kin feels a bitter wind of changes that no one deserves to feel; to start having chills to fall their way and more.  Crying out to the blissful heavens, the gunstars spew out to the timely juncture: “We won’t let such a tragedy happen again!  We’ll get back the gems and put a stop to the revival of Golden Silver!”  Enemies’ not messing around is not the most important thing about Gunstar Heroes, but in case gamers are wondering… yes, a god is empowered by jewelry.

Olde rumours are to be taken seriously by Commander Grey avax his warship nicknamed “Ark”, or a plus-size UFO hovering to infiltrate caliber guns to make out with; they say, “revive the God that sleeps on the moon, and he’ll guide the most righteous people to Utopia”- and by that they mean the “Utopia” proposal requires these foursome precious stones, or the four gems I’ve mentioned, which can revive Golden Silver and supply Him with enough energy to grant wishes to his revivers, or “righteous people”, while stepping upon Mother Nature as the God of Ruin ‘till the doomed day goes away.  If the myth is true, it’s impossible for an empire-led G-9 to live out the peace and prosperity promised by Commander Grey in response to the prehistoric legends.

 Villains like robot soldiers and military sarges give our zoning rangers an initial loss, by then gamers can end up gaining less when foes return to a normal difficulty.  Any thug that is not balanced or leaves you feeling dead will put your gunstars into a sort of *survival mode* (TV screen flashes red by then), and if they stop killing bad guys it’s really bad for their general health.  With a single 1-up, and no instant-death life meter (100-200 plus HP), losing health steadily and slowly will ensure that gunstars maintain their objective destiny when they die here, so the answer to robot reduction is firepower control and more exercise.  They need to run outside in the sun to do jumping and running on land so laidback in a kind of artificial, futuristic Camelot kingdom, but fighting the opposition takes a few hit points away from one’s life like that of many other modern video game heroes: Max Payne from Max Payne; Tommy Vercetti from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City; Ratchet; Pikachu; Yami; Prince Marth from the Fire Emblem series; Princess Natasha; Rallen from Spectrobes; &c.  Staying in shape is that simple ladies and gents, so get those gunstars out of bed and start exercising!

“Empire army is attacking the natives!  Save them!” says Doctor Brown, labrat and elderly assistant to the gunstars.  “Choose your weapon.  You start the game with the weapon of your choice.  Choose carefully.”  Slightly naive of him to assume laser users will swap fourteen weapons, but his advice is correct.  The man has never been in bad position with his universe navigations but defeated Golden Silver maybe once in his entire lifetime.  He becomes accountable because of the gunstars who have treated him as such and depend on him in some way.  The Gunstar Dynasty- made up of gunstar yellow, gunstar blue, gunstar green, and gunstar red- is a more than superior team of super heroes because their efforts are being coached by a competent scientist.

From home base in and out, Doctor Brown dresses half these rangers up into bandana-wearing punsters; netted clothes, and high-tech gadgets from the comfort of his computer lab, where machines, PCs, and corky electronic gizmos are telling them G-9 is a no man’s land: brown, splitting the geography and future’s drama and presenting itself barren and having little of the natural resources.  Two gunstars just rock it out; they pick up so many footsteps off the ground and leap space bound, forwards and backwards, and can shoot whatever they like.  Well, except for pink caterpillar eggs.  Putting three battling tanks and five spartans in destructive means is easy, a little timing and reflex is all; what’s more, those pink eggs, left over by that gigantic cactus-like creature thingamajig, aren’t help to the punsters at all.  But relax; dozens of droids come marching in with terrorist explosives which are harmless to gunstars.  TNT left them.

         No Nurse Joy or Pokemon Center gives them any more helping hands either, as robots consider bandana-wearing punsters looking like a threat and having some “powerful rangers” as becoming more violent than a police learning their neon craft and trying to be the exotic enforcement they can be.  Are gunstar yellow and her brothers paid under the table by a fighting establishment; and if so, can this secret organization buy out paychecks in Gotham’s name to Batman and Robin too?  As the Nostalgia Critic rejoices such questions, “Nobody knows!”  Answer “Yes!” or answer “no…”, attacking the almighty entity shows us that gunstars assume battle means that whoever wins battles doesn’t bother to take it back.  Their firearms have it handy; guns gets physics/barrels/seekers/laser capsules and all mod cons to get the landscape back in shape after such rampaging of invasions.  Gunstar Heroes boils down to everything in moderation, and action, even if it’s a brisk risk each time any action is better than nothing, slow and steady.  This is boom-boom doing but gunfire ammos- Force, Lightning, Chase, Flame (laser yellow, laser blue, laser green, laser red; in order)- are as swift as a starswift, each with a rate of effectiveness of its own, and they are loaded by good punsters only.  Gamers will be intrigued with pulling out either 5- or 8-way gunshots, since robot agents, as well as their partners in crime, already snatch up difficulty during certain moments in the entire videogame, plus different stage bosses at their ultimate day.  These ultimate warriors want to come visit where they can lay out their ferocious assault.  We can’t blame them.  TERROR has been the empire’s secret selling point for far less than several years or perhaps far more than a hundred years or more.  Now with humanity’s hope in their hands they must really revamp sidelines and the opportunity to save the innocent, for real; “Save them!” the doc orders.

From suiting up the characters to choose from, punster red and punster blue, we hide these gunmen twins in a disguise for brawl; then when your fighter’s joystick is ready, and trigger happy, the brothers champ the first four courses in arms: going pyramid skiing, and rushing through a few occasional forest excavations before they race among the ancient ruins; taking out some heavy metal metro trains driving somewhere from an underground mine; gunning down Captain Orange’s vanguard charades in the proximity, or distance, of his great flying battleship; and playing a Monopoly boardgame with its lord and master, Officer Black Jack, at his strange fortress in the shadowed realm.  (Gunstars may cupid shuffle their cards off!). Smash Daisaku, the Valdosta cat with his praise for messes, doesn’t allow plot spoilers to steal the victory, but gunstars believe in “don’t fail citizens”.  Gunstars butt against this quick trip, driving criminals over the edge; it’s a truth to the gameplay which has punster green leave a gold miner’s cavern arena, “in a huff” that is.

        Golden Silver’s moon is the place providing a home, and our last protocol, yesterday and tonight, giving us bunches of galactic battlefields advertently starry with the new lights and dwarf stars’ brilliant hues, in this environment and astral system with the probing of flying saucers’ metallic paint-job.  Reasons for the heavy gravity, however, I’ve never found yet.  Jumps, up and down, change every astronaut’s height just as insignificantly as laser cannons cause serious damage to a UFO’s rocket engines while on the moon: Earth wide gravity keeps skies safe from high explosives and human blimps.  But go on the attackers must, so forth on we hack the alien craft and lock the space invaders into a desperate chase, not through solar infusions, or a total myth, among escalators and above helicopters (Captain Orange keeps one set with a fair tan) are we able to allude to the trenched, 2-D scenery of the cosmos’ infinity and  greatly throughout in anticipation of innovative expansions, although Doctor Brown’s marble-like potions (15-20HP per new ball) are quite much of the stuff that makes Gunstar Heroes adventure- or RPG-like in any way.

The computer AI and its structured, or fixed, CPU seem to show during gameplay… as do courses that have left similar quality, likewise to get the gamers’ heads out of Planet G-9 and to have them realize some action has to improve the flow of gameplay rather than make it worse.  I am reviewing a 3rd-person shooter, but have any of you gaming folks ever tried out arcade combat games like Mortal Kombat 2 and Street Fighter 2 or something better?  I’ve played those.  You’d pick this ninja dude on such games like Gunstar Heroes, see, and beat three ninjas up with professional techniques before some hot chick in red velvet busts the cap off a stranger’s gasoline.  Uh, you know.  An inflicting brawl often is either hard or reversed on easy with variable effects and situations between the streaks of conflict.  It appears Gunstar Heroes resembles that same casual extreme of inflicting matter, but in its matches with combat regiments.  Here’s an unhelpful gunstar in charge: the shapeshifting lizard gunstar green calls his heavy-duty robot, “Seven Force”.  Don’t touch it, just make sure green’s colossal tech also traps its third leg in between its sensitive limbs as you are firing.  Kick it hard with the baseball slide in the bum in case your arm gets trapped.  Must remember not to cling onto his transforming gadgets, then you’d save energy I’ll never forget.  Says gunstar green: “We have to stop him!”  Definitely hope Smash Daisaku is resplendently dressed in red and black, and that colonel will announce that he’ll join punsters on their hairs in due time.

Getting even is a great recovery coup for Commander Grey’s empire, whom we guess is accepting criminal applications.  Most boss fights have their very own unique style; Gunstar Heroes mismatches courses and boss levels (which is harder, hunting birds in the wild wilderness with a pair of noisy blasters or wrestling Black Jack’s diced monsters without boxer gloves?), and laser-equipped android midgets- my example of a stage boss- wanna shake things up a bit.  I LOVE scruffy guys!  he he  Now truth be told, both rocketing henchmen and their strategic options are known for being deliberate and Grey’s armed reinforcements’ child pranks go with “falling from the sky” tactics.  Captain Orange’s berserk crew have mere patience from no-fly zones to frontlines, and absolutely all the patience for their self-centered, level headed leader and chief, Colonel Smash Daisaku.  He doesn’t love weak tools or happy jerks, but to his army Smash Daisaku is all about love and fairness, or so he hears.  A listen to his terrifying laughs brings fear and bemusement from his angry attitude; he’s sensitive, but not patient.  Commander Grey’s missionary objectives are set on a no-failure basis and so, as we can see, Smash Daisaku is yelling at his comrades and patrol officers before they feel his boot.

It’s like Smash Daisaku depends on his robot soldiers- the space guys, evil at their jobs as terminators, but unfortunately when lacking experience the best intentions turn out… sour.  He really should know better.  Gunstars, spirits of all people!  Gunstars’ situation- shows that thugs aren’t really looking after thugs, that slimeballs pay a violent action figure no attention.  One day the empire and its obvious dictatorship will crash and it may be sooner than we think.  Roll tide.  A general will brainwash gunstar green and G-9 will be a horrific expansion for world domination.  When criminal activities do implode, gunfire and fire will be spectacular.  The god explodes and loses His jewelry; above all, the best thing in the world is four lovely gems at the end of a day hard night.  Low and behold, its violence, and yes, UFOs have to explode a lot; explosions pass by with pretty much all the nooks and crannies they come in contact with, and our punster heroes are headed to “Ark”, Commander Grey’s holy-mother ship avax a wide universe, to leave as a victorious dynasty.  Maybe this is a wake-up call, maybe Sega is substituting our feeling of security and respect for “15 minutes of fame”, or maybe the Sega fans and gamers are in enough luck to witness the end and conclusion of Gunstar Heroes.

Gamer, their name means the ones to contact with a beautiful and successful humankind.  The gunstars check it out and headshot those evil, terrible, or laughing!  Evil means more!  In face of this almighty entity, punsters assume mano-a-mano means that whoever’s awarded a medal for dignity doesn’t bother to take it back.  So if the enemies are 420 degrees friendly, punsters won’t be playing best amigos with them anytime soon, for serpents are angelically challenged.  It’s all about the feel-good factor because (hopefully) you are not an amazing piece of gaming machinery, and I can’t guarantee that I’m not on the duck hunt either- Gunstar Heroes is genuinely about making each gamer feel tense and have fun at the same time.

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