
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Videogame Review, Monopoly for the Nintendo Switch (w/ Brand New Enhanced Wireless Controller)

Videogame Review, Monopoly for the Nintendo Switch (w/ Brand New Enhanced Wireless Controller)

3D, here, is displayed with expanding horizons across the board… literally!  We’re talking about a Monopoly program with multiple boards and lots of choices in tokens and pieces of certification or, if fate permits, complete and total bankruptcy.  You’ll see tremendous amounts of graphics which are rather unusual for even modern standards: boards, tokens, and tiny little people.  There’s a haunted-house board; there’s a city-skyline board; there’s a somewhat-carnival-like board; there’s a Rabbids classic board; and, for those who wish to be as boring as possible, the original, plain, dull classic board.  Now this might sound bad.  However, this Monopoly collection program is mostly a win-win situation.  My favorite is the Halloween-theme’d board!  Each character token will move in some of the most incredible 3D effects I’ve ever seen in a videogame- there’s not only depth, but planes of movements and erratic activity which are pleasing to the naked eye during such excitement and slight boredom.  Sometimes it’s like fishing, sometimes it’s like boxing.  The 3D dice controls are very good!  My controller is a Pikachu device and it has the ability to let me shake up the dice a notch until I get anything from snake eyes to double six.  Repetitions of a narrator’s voice help with the program along with a smooth, but steady, flow of using and abusing turns where purchases and compromise become wild settlements of dispute.  Here, in Monopoly, I may actually buy less money with even more money.  How?  Well, properties need to be earned and it’s not unusual for players to overpay.  Each property color lineup acts as a ticket to manage for settling disputes across the board and an automated calculator takes a lot of the mind out of robotic, tedious methods of number-crunching analysis.  Monopoly is precisely the opposite of Wheel of Fortune in terms of quality for the Nintendo Switch library of games.  It’s great!  I’ve almost been brought to tears from observing the greatness and vast planes of 3D and artistic, personal effects.  This Switch program doesn’t just act as video.  No, no.  You must also learn how to read by experiencing success and failure over forced guesses.  Quite a bit of gambling is at stake.  Players enter a world of high-end capitalism filled with movie theaters, astronaut camps, spooky houses with leaning towers of witchcraft and spider webs, graveyards, and slips with chance of treasure or ruin.  Technically-speaking, you’ll see glitches in the video game, but they’re all smooth and steady and they all really look beautiful and dramatic.  A man’s voice holds the show in progress by giving constant and necessary reminders concerning fortunes increasing and decreasing at a whim.  Look, Wheel of Fortune is an interesting concept.  But Monopoly is proof of purchase through a nice, quality product and I hope to see where these boardgames go in the future.

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