
Monday, January 30, 2023

Movie Review, Jurassic Park (Classic Movie)

Movie Review, Jurassic Park (Classic Movie)

True or false.

“Human bones do not present a choking hazard to some dinosaurs and some dinosaurs can just swallow human bones without choking, without indigestion, and without chewing problems.”

FALSE. Human bones in large quantities would destroy a dinosaur’s internal organs and rip the dinosaur’s organs apart from failure of indigestion. This would especially be true if a meat-eating dinosaur was to eat dozens of humans in a short period of time. I think the dinosaur would get very sick and experience throat injuries and suffer from internal bleeding. Humans watch TV cartoons and TV shows with this questionable science fiction. Personally, if I was responsible for feeding a dinosaur, I would feed the dinosaur with other animals and remove bones from the animals before giving them to the dinosaur; and, I would prepare the animal meat for a dinosaur so the dinosaur stays healthy with proper digestion. I don’t think feeding a dinosaur “bones” would be a very nice thing for a scientist to do. Bones are very solid pieces of construction in an animal. Most animals today would choke to death from eating human bones and I don’t think dinosaurs would be better off with the dangerous choking hazards. Correct me if I’m mistaken. But, let me be scientific. Dinosaurs should have a healthier diet with boneless chicken and boneless hamburger and the like. Human bones would present a choking hazard. Besides, we need to save humans from dinosaurs, not dinosaurs from humans.

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