
Sunday, October 13, 2019

Horror Fiction- “Not Exactly a Jolly Holiday”

“Not Exactly a Jolly Holiday”

Once there was a doll passed in generations of family.  A teddy bear like this got passed down in every generation of time and each child named it “Drappo” before disappearing the next morning.  For some reason, every child slept with the teddy bear one night and disappeared the next morning after calling it by its true name, and only Drappo would lay on each child’s bed.  Rumors spread like wildfire- it was apparent Drappo became a cursed ornament with the power to keep children gone from sight, and soon, everyone revealed less enthusiasm and more fear about the mysterious, and suspicious, teddy bear.  Drappo was not so much of a cuddly sort: dyed hair, broken buttons, ripped arms, knotted legs, opened coat, and a head full of potato flour, with a body full of smelly tinsel to match.  A teddy bear like this was hard to ignore and hard to resist- the colors flowed from his (or her?) mass like perfume in the wakening of spring and a little dotted smile perfected the horror until ignorance transformed into attraction.

Tonight, a small kid named Kelly is relaxing in her bed towards east of midnight on close proximity, teddy bear in arms, and “Drappo” is buzzing in her intelligent head enough for the whole house to pay attention on alert.  Mother and father come in.  They begin wondering if the name is spiritual or if there’s a connection between death and misfortune- they couldn’t have known before, so her parents bring in a candle and sit next to Kelly in prayers for the light.  Eventually everyone in the room is cussing like mad in their prayers.  The father launches himself to the closet with a hammer, looking for a nail to polish, as Kelly’s mother steps to her bed with an irritated look of despair.  Soon, her father, also named Kelly, shatters the windowpane and brings the nail over a bug and kills it.  (It’s not violent if they’re bugs, right?)  Marsha gathers up four plates and tosses them at her husband and he goes falling through the window.  Kelly (the daughter) gets concerned and asks, “What’s wrong?”  That’s when all of a sudden Marsha’s head disappears!  Their daughter becomes frightened and quickly sees Drappo’s head point at her in gaze, away from the mother, but looking at the daughter nonetheless.  The teddy bear’s head is flooding into a ghost of Marsha’s head- Marsha’s head, in ghost form, now covers Drappo’s head completely and it’s as if the two heads have become one.  And then, Kelly is urged to find out the “answer” from God and dramatically shouts “Drappo!” before falling into a trap under the floor.  She disappears and moonlight reaches all four corners of the house and turns everything back to what it was before dinner, minus the family.  Police show up the next morning on a strange report given by a neighbor about some noise in the bedroom upstairs.  Both leading officers enter, and find a note on Kelly’s bed with a written insult, in her handwriting that reads, “I’ll be dead for Christmas.”  Drappo is then carried off in the police car and another family down the road picks it up with sympathy for Kelly’s family.  

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