
Saturday, December 28, 2019

Poem- “Watch out for Dinosaurs”

“Watch out for Dinosaurs”

You’re watching a “dinosaur” on TV.
But it’s not a dinosaur.
It’s an image produced by electricity.
An electric image isn’t an animal by Earth’s present terms for our planet.
Dinosaurs were animals; so, the electric image isn’t a dinosaur.
“I like Jurassic Park!”
Yeah, but it’s still not a dinosaur.
“Do you see the dinosaur?”
No, I see an electric image.
“Can’t you use your imagination?”
Reality is not imagination- it’s bigger than any human mind.
“My kids watch Barney the Dinosaur every morning.”
Yeah, but it’s still NOT a dinosaur.
No human in a costume should be considered a dinosaur.
“Littlefoot is funny!”
No, I see an electric image and hear noises from the TV.
TV noise is also electric and may or may not come from a living animal.
“I like watching dragon movies.”
They’re movies, but they’re not dragons, and, they’re not dinosaurs.
“I saw a dinosaur at the museum.”
No, you looked at some bones of a dead dinosaur.
Or you saw a robot made into a mythical appearance of ancient times.
“Do you believe dinosaurs lived with humans?”
When I see a fossil of a dinosaur that ate a human who also formed into a fossil with it.
 “My children play with dinosaur toys.”
Yes, but they’re NOT dinosaurs!
How many times do I have to say this?
“We dug a fossil and found a dinosaur.”
You’re half right.
But, no, a fossil is not a dinosaur.
A “fossil” is the dinosaur’s involuntary, naturally-made grave in bones, rocks, and mud.
Maybe I’m being a bit satirical but you get the point.
“There’s an image of a dinosaur in my coloring book!”
No, that’s not a dinosaur.
It doesn’t even look like a dinosaur.
Most people just draw funny forms with color on the subject of dinosaurs.
Not so many people create realistic depictions of those beasts.
Have you seen any dinosaur picture or painting that isn’t abstract and exaggerated?
“Dinosaurs were huge reptiles.”
You really think parts are just parts and everything is everything, don’t you?
We don’t even know what a dog is!
People just dress up their pets in clothes and make them look stupid.
“This little blue bird is a dinosaur!”
You’re crazy.
That’s unpoetic and very unromantic.
Who’s your doctor?
Is he a dinosaur, too?
Are those CDs and records dinosaurs?
Do we drive dinosaurs home from work?
You think EVERYTHING is a dinosaur!
Give me a break!

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