
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Poem- “Elementary School and Fast Food”

“Elementary School and Fast Food”

I was taking math tests during elementary school.

The math tests were pretty easy.

But, I needed 100% grades for a nice reward.

What was the nice reward?

Fast food!

My teacher, Nale, was rewarding fast food for 100% grades in math.

The math was elementary.

We had levels of math for grades and records of times.

Nale was using a timer, and other timers, depending on the students.

Each student had his or her own skills with math.

There was a chart of listed grades.

Nale would place a glittery star sticker for each math test 100% completed.

By student name, the student could know his or her progress.

I was very good with math.

So, I was eating a lunch of fast food with my elementary school teacher.

I enjoyed many lunches.

Do you know what’s funny about all this?

We were not smoking.

Today, some people believe that fast food is smoking.

Does a word like “smoking” describe my childhood past with Nale?

No, it does not.


We were not smoking.

We were not calling it smoking.

We were just “enjoying lunch” and “having a treat”.

It was not smoking.

It was fast food.

And, today, I never call fast food “smoking” at all.

“Smoking” is a false label for fast food.

Nale was not smoking.

I was not smoking.

For my childhood, we were not smoking.

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