
Monday, August 20, 2018

Horse Race Review, Horse Racing- Saratoga Live (8/20/18)

Horse Race Review, Horse Racing- Saratoga Live (8/20/18)

Horses can really leap at each other in a metaphorical sense.  Dirt goes onto their chests from moments on end however power and vision are combined into athleticism shared by horse and rider.  I’ve seen a few horses, on TV screen, stretching for the big course in New York where Miss Gossip leaves the arena without uttering a single word.  Well, horses don’t talk.  Movements are getting dizzy and wild upon the dirt road between the starting, green gate and the finishing pole line.  Combinational features include gating, leaping, and rough play.  A lot happens on the moments that count although features get totaled against moments where power leaks into vision as does vision into power.  So what’s the verdict on horse racing?  You must add power to the feeling before the feeling can be expressed through power, as indicated for riders and horses, along the lines in front of the random sorts of landmarks and pieces where New York rubs on the spectators with greens, fades, and co-animal demonstrations.  For a long time you’ll find people working up an appetite where the horses run and play in formality if not mere anxiety.  Having conduct for a horse involves putting energy in proportion to stretching capabilities, like what you’ll find when you see a thin man jockeying for position on a horse’s backside where toughness won’t play as much as velocity and focus, despite the need for toughness.  A horse can get into trouble for getting on foot with a fence close to the forbidden green area when fortune takes the cake of pleasure on our end of the stick.  Things included in the “stick” are those elements I’ve mentioned so far, rumors only going so far as the eye can see, blue sky all over the map to a horse’s co-man jockeying.  Getting a handle of things requires boldness so that power revamps speed into a lit flame of thought proven in action.  Lots of figures add to what’s on the table for skills needed for racing towards the end as anything matters to expressional gaiety.  Luck occurs for pending randomness.  Enough takes notice over the top where the other horses confuse their masters into wild rides along the sands of time no matter how wet a mane gets from later revision of head gear.  Dream big while it lasts, for through me I find myself at odds under the stars where futility shines in notion before us, bid to love and fairness as to horses oncoming of degrees within reason for utility.

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