
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Cartoon Review, “Super Friends” (Season 1, Episode 1)

Cartoon Review, “Super Friends” (Season 1, Episode 1)

Bullies often lack an imagination.  Cartoons like “South Park” and “Robot Chicken” are only entertaining to bullies, so “Super Friends” may be the cure for them if they ever wish to improve ideas for artists instead of dwelling on irritations, day in and day out, until somebody whacks them with a good one.  Not sorry yet?  That makes sense if you’re a bully, for the sense of apologies itself is in a vacuum for someone who never remorses.  And please pay attention to Wonder Dog!  How come bullies just dismiss a remarkable character like this puppy?  Sure, he’s like Scooby-Doo, but Wonder Dog existed in the early-70’s when Scooby-Doo wasn’t yet a really popular icon like he is today and he would’ve just filled in some paws for an animal superhero, typically in a sort of daze to wonder himself over issues relating to environmental hazards across Superman’s radar.  There’s a young man in a green cape, too.  He’s a kind of nerd, a follower, who goes with the heroes when the pursuits fit the attention span he gives in to on humorous tales related to Wonder Dog, Wonder Woman, and other guys.  Aquaman in real life would be very threatening; could you imagine a hero who can call on whales to pull a mass wherever he wants it to be in a storm?  Sometimes we can find pretty freaky things in comic books let alone “Super Friends” or other based TV shows on the likes of Batman and Superman, villains included.  This cartoon show I’m reviewing is more of a subtle perfection.  The animation isn’t greatly dark or spooky even if the lab room’s lights, here and there, bounce around in a sort of mesmerizing disco fashion.  You know… red, blue, yellow, white, green, bouncing around in different angles to form the texture imagined in 70’s nostalgia.  Is it actually a lab room?  Maybe, but there’s aliens in outer space who can relate on Earth’s use of solar power.  No spoilers will be necessary.  My review will have to be mysterious so people won’t be spoiled from written reports.  Oh!  Too late.  I guess I’m quite bad at this stuff.  Technology is constantly poked on in this 1st episode with sheer motion by followers and drifters stretching along the pavement in experience for pleasing drama.  Voice actors must have the knowhow for surprises or else we’ll get someone like Tara Strong at her worst.  (Wow!  Batgirl sounds like a clerk according to Tara.  Where does she work at, Walmart?)  Lol.  I’m kidding about the whole ordeal although it must be stressed that voices have to intermingle with forced hints or else the sporadic scenes in a cartoon will look drab, and “Super Friends” in this 1st episode knows how to put the daze into surprises especially on given terms for rolling, invading trains pulling the rails off hills in addition to speech-makers who appeal to snowy drifts over the mountainside.  Nothing much more I can say other than watch and enjoy.

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