
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Poem- “Just the Beginning”

“Just the Beginning”

The repairs are fat,

With a blowing hose for grass.

Let your sunshine go.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Poem- “Greatest Pets”

“Greatest Pets”

Baseball in the rain,

Where cats and dogs play for home.

Do you eat muffins?

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Videogame Review, MX Vs. ATV Untamed for the Xbox 360

Videogame Review, MX Vs. ATV Untamed for the Xbox 360

The game is just appearance.  You can tell from the “old” Xbox graphics.  From the looks of things, it’s unavoidable.  A gamer is playing something that isn’t really there and it’s video by a long shot.  Racing is a moment to begin with for a finishing touch of hope against the finishing line.  Players will need to wait for any kind of impression under feature presentation because the Xbox 360 game drags; in fact, the game must drag, since that’s the nature of this particular racing sports of variety.  I play the game with an Xbox 360 controller.  However, with racing in long circuits, it does feel like I’m sinking in boredom.  At least there’s plenty of nostalgia for this Xbox 360 “best seller”.  Notice that I didn’t say “classic” or anything like that.  Many Xbox fans have sweet memories for MX Vs. ATV Untamed.  Of course, by going the chase in such a long period of time; and, by listening to music that’s not your choice of music, while driving on dirt and going through the motions time after time in some repetitive loops, you’re probably feeling sweet due to the chance of polite ignorance for a light fantasy of racing.  Let me ask experienced players, of MX Vs. ATV Untamed, a question.  Is it just me, or, does this Xbox 360 game appear to “warp” on the graphics and visuals within distant reach of circulation for aggression?  My sense of humor isn’t really high for the game and I’ll need to beg your pardon.  Reviewers have said plenty about this Xbox 360 best seller.  When you boil down their fashion of the past into basic reason of dispute you realize that MX Vs. ATV Untamed is not really that “untamed”.  The fact some Xbox fans thought this game was boring serves as my purpose to doubt the random music, irrelevant cheer, and crazy auto of gimmicks.  Maybe you can lie to yourself and believe it’s a “classic” in terms of nostalgia.  For example, observe the video.  Do you see that lady with the sign who looks like a white sheet of paper?  Her skin is too light and plain under the roaring sunshine.  You’ll also notice, by reference to modern technology, that audio and sound feel and look impersonal to the bone.  The audience doesn’t seem to care about my driver no matter what I do.  They cheer when I perform a trick; they cheer when I jump with no trick.  In general, the audio just seems to circle my driver with a very uninvolving heat of notion within reach of disastrous vehicles and my nostalgia increases from exposure to old-fashioned Xbox vibes.  Even when this Xbox 360 game was “new” the reviewers were nice enough in pretending approval.  Sometimes, today, in modern technology, a new game is made; and, the reviewers, who are talented from their professional languages in hiding obvious disgust, don’t break the game apart in too many details, but just chew on the game with lame satisfaction.  Reviewers sometimes don’t pan a game, but, they’re cooking for too long.  MX Vs. ATV Untamed used to look realistic and natural.  Now, in today’s age, the game’s realism is gone, it’s mostly a look of crumble, and, while gamers may remember the game with positive ideals of experience, the history of racing has been paralyzed in growth for years concerning this Xbox 360 game and the colorful magic isn’t a description anymore.  In recent memory, it’s no longer a description of colorful magic, but a damaged goods of change for the better of forgetting.

Poem- “Fun Games”

“Fun Games”

A toy can’t die.

A toy doesn’t live.

So, a toy doesn’t “live” to even “die” in the first place.

A toy is not a living creature.

It’s never dead.

It’s never dead because it’s never alive.

It cannot die; for, it cannot live.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Videogame Review, Centipede & Millipede for the Xbox 360 (w/ Limited Edition Halo Controller)

Videogame Review, Centipede & Millipede for the Xbox 360 (w/ Limited Edition Halo Controller)

If a reviewer tells you he is “insignificant”, don’t listen to him and avoid him at all costs.  For my philosophy on video games, I must be significant, not insignificant.  You can only tell the truth by being significant.  You need meaning in your life for the truth.  Are all these other videogame reviewers writing their criticism just to be “insignificant” and meaningless?  Unfortunately, some reviewers think they are pathetic, useless excuses for a human being and they will actually tell you their criticism is not “comprehensive”.  My feelings are hurt when I think of these reviewers!  I never say I am insignificant.  I don’t care if there’s space, air, wind, breeze, or whatever you call it.  I tell the truth because I am significant.  I mean something to the world!  Yeah, shooting bugs in a video game does appear very insignificant; but, it’s not.  I’m sorry.  But if you think you are “insignificant” then you need to examine your life and appreciate what you have.  “Insignificant” reviewers will never tell you the truth.  Period.  Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest let’s begin this review.  I wanted to test my brand new Xbox 360 controller.  The game is fun and the controller works great so far.  Am I “insignificant” now?  Nonsense!  Microsoft does not think Xbox fans like me are “insignificant”.  If anything, Microsoft would crash into my TV to get another dollar!  Also, if Microsoft sells video games, it’s likely Microsoft plays video games.  Is that “insignificant”?  I will repeat that word until I make a liar regret his dishonesty.  Microsoft does not think they’re insignificant.  By definition, a business can’t be insignificant and must obey the law for practice of marketing.  Obedience to the law is meaningful.  Centipede & Millipede does humor players who get a chance at shooting bugs.  Then again, bugs aren’t insignificant either.  You have insignificant reviewers who talk about significant games.  I don’t buy that!  I will be meaningful here for my word to be truth.  You’re probably going to say, “Don’t be so personal.”  Bullshit.  You know very well that every reviewer needs to be meaningful and I’m not backing away from this subject just to satisfy your lack of curiosity.  I find this situation very curious.  A good, honest reviewer is not insignificant.  He’s not meaningless, he’s not “a plastic bag in the trash”.  Good, honest reviewers give us meaning for video games so we can determine the future and improve modern technology.  So, if you’re reviewing a quality fun game, DO NOT say something like, “Oh, I’m just killing time and procrastinating.”  Now we have too many games in the video game market that are nothing more than procrastination and it’s all thanks to insignificant reviewers.  Centipede & Millipede is a classic game from the past for a reason!  If you’re shooting bugs, and, if you’re fighting insects and creatures from the deep, don’t you think that means something?  I think it means something important.  Keep in mind that a philosopher never thinks he is “insignificant”.  If anything, no good thinker is insignificant.  A human being thinks because he is meaningful.  Please, if you don’t believe in yourself for anything you do, don’t review video games.  Just… disappear!  But I know you’re a meaningful person like most people are in some way, shape, or form, and so I recommend Centipede & Millipede to you.  Why?  Because I am not insignificant.  Significance and meaning are requirements for truth about reality and nature.  So, there you have it.  Enjoy!

Poem- “Jumpy”


With golden balloons,

He’s a delicious monkey.

Keep the rockets out.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Poem- “Fixing Up”

“Fixing Up”

Match your calories.

Have energy for the salt,

With needing zero.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Videogame Review, Chicory for the Playstation 5 (PS5)

Videogame Review, Chicory for the Playstation 5 (PS5)

Someone becomes a painter.  What must the painter do?  Oh, the painter must go into unknown places and steal other people’s clothes.  You get other goals in mind, but that’s a reality.  Or, is it?  I’ve been a fool for some video games for a long time.  The janitor is most certainly a fool.  Your main character steals other people’s clothes in the woods, or in the mountains, or in the breeze, or wherever “paint” is messy.  Your main character walks into a coffee house with clothes on; at times, clothes that are not the janitor’s, and a sitting patron with a relaxed look on her face says, “Fashion is who you are.”  I don’t know about this.  Really?  Stealing other people’s clothes and putting them on, claiming to have fashion, makes you who you are?  I don’t believe it.  Maybe I used to believe it entirely for Super Mario or Sonic the Hedgehog.  Keep in mind that Chicory is a great deal of fashion.  Of course, from stealing clothes, you’re not really the person you say you are, even if you put the clothes on.  Chicory herself would consider such a load as a “gift”.  Maybe she would consider it a gift from the heavens.  The PS5 game does suggest a heavenly place of color and style within reach of creative disorder.  We see depression, anxiety, and despair, as well as positives and negatives of emotional being.  My 4K TV does a very good job of display for the shaking alphabet of text when tension rises.  You’ll also get into the “dark side” of creativity.  By logic of the game’s story, your main character is in fact stealing and wishing for other people’s things.  This probably comes back to bite Chicory, who shuts down her bedroom and closes all contact with happiness early on.  I’m just giving a few details of the game.  What I’m really doing is questioning the idea of “the illusion of property”.  Sacramento is a big city in California.  I was living in Sacramento for some years until my schizophrenia marked me as outsider and pushed me into the limit of Ventura residence until Tehachapi came up.  There’s a huge problem of stealing in Sacramento.  (My Playstation 3 or PS3 video game console was stolen in Sacramento.)  Apparently, there’s a few guys in Sacramento who are going into the streets and taking other people’s belongings.  Chicory does have charm and is full of plenty of sweethearts.  Then again, we do get the illusion of property during confusion and madness.  It’s usually the poetic types who get an interest in other people’s things.  A Californian without poetry would say, “No, leave people alone.  Don’t steal the legos.”  I must confess something.  As a child, I was stealing a little.  Why?  Because I was too young to understand the reality of “property”.  One factor to stealing is a person’s lack of awareness.  As evidence, political parties in the United States talk about “awareness” all the time.  What are you aware of?  Well, you’re aware that you’re playing Chicory and entering unknown places for “gifts” and “packages”.  But I’m sure the other animals in Chicory’s universe could’ve also done something with these gifts and packages without the janitor’s help.  In fact, someone had to put a gift or package in the woods for the gift or package to be in the woods in the first place.  I know Chicory is a humorous story about the loss of firm exaggerations.  Yet, if your main character is stealing other people’s clothes; and, if your main character did not know in the beginning who put the clothes around Chicory’s world, you deserve a better explanation as a gamer and a human being.

Poem- “Personal Wonder”

“Personal Wonder”

You read a book.

You read a book out loud.

You read a book out loud and have a voice for the book.

However, you’re not the writer.

What are you doing?

If something happens, you’re probably a copycat.

A copycat gets very rude and mean with a book.

Or, he’s too polite and nice with a book.

He doesn’t have the writer’s voice.

That’s unavoidable.

You will never be the writer.

So, you will never have the voice by the writer.

I must spend some time telling you how to read my book.

First of all, do not have an emotional outburst while reading my book.

I am not having an emotional outburst in my writing.

Maybe I give little suggestions of a higher voice.

But, I’m not yelling in my book.

If somebody yells with my ideas, that’s not my fault.

That’s somebody else.

Do not place a voice on my book that I don’t have.

Of course, you’re going to anyway.

I hope you’re proud of yourself.

Just read my book in your own cause, right?

I don’t think so.

My book is a work of gentle aggression with the feeling of humorous doubt.

Find a voice that can match my description in the last sentence.

Depression and emotional outburst are not my style.

These emotions I have are clean and bitter with a soft romance.

Experienced readers of my book have probably been having the wrong voices.

It’s unavoidable.

However, if a reader reads this poem, he has an important key to my voice.

Just please don’t read my book without my approval of your voice.

I’m not a crazy psycho or someone with extremely intense rage.

This book belongs to Alex for him to decide on official voice.

I’m Alex.

Even if you’re Alex, you’re the wrong Alex.

Write your own book for your own voice.

My book is already done with personal wonder and mistakes are possible.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Poem- “TV Commercials”

“TV Commercials”

TV commercials are not books.

TV commercials are more like sentences, or, just a few words.

You don’t get real information from a TV commercial.

A TV commercial is short, quick, and easy to view.

In fact, I think it’s TOO easy.

You can’t just give me a few words and walk away.

I need information!

There’s no authorship for a TV commercial.

You need time for a real book.

TV commercials just seem to happen very quickly.

Making matters worse, TV commercials are usually lies.

You see, you get actors on TV for a TV commercial.

They give a few words and the TV commercial ends.

Okay, now what?

Can I keep watching the TV commercial?

No, I can’t.

It’s impossible.

The TV commercial is over.

It’s over and it’s done.

Nobody can look into the TV commercial for more information.

Maybe a TV commercial will just be 30 seconds.

Who has a philosophy in 30 seconds?


So, what happens is, most people just ignore TV commercials.

It’s the junk food of Film & Entertainment.

There can be an important idea or a basic sentence of marketing practice.

But, when it comes down to it, TV commercials aren’t real information.

TV commercials are light suggestions and common opinions.

Do you remember how many TV commercials are in a baseball game?

If not, you’ve done a great job with the future of ignorance.

Just ignore TV commercials.

Who cares?

My special interests are meaningful because I’m a dedicated author.

A dedicated author needs to write a long book for knowledge and understanding.

TV commercials are not books.

Sometimes, TV commercials have an interesting look for presenting materials.

But looking is not reading.

Good reading is a virtue of patience.

Readers know more from books than anything else, except for good nature.

Videogame Review, Crazy Taxi 2 for the Sega Dreamcast (w/ European Controller)

Videogame Review, Crazy Taxi 2 for the Sega Dreamcast (w/ European Controller)

I’m an American, using a European controller.  Wow!  The game is flamboyant along the edge of deeper grey.  My grades aren’t all that high from playing the game.  You drive in the game and receive grades.  Jumping is very useful; however, you can end up in a ditch that takes too long to get out of.  You’re driving a taxi and serving crazy people with high expectations for madness.  Can you think of anyone who pays you MORE to drive like a maniac?  Of course, the game’s humor is limited.  We get drivers who can keep their pants on and move around like crazy people.  They’re crazy because they’re stupid.  Some players probably won’t think Crazy Taxi 2 is really that funny.  Why is this the case?  Well, modern gamers have a natural expectation for long video in a game.  Crazy Taxi 2 is a blend of retro gaming and the future.  It’s possible to have some fun.  Yet, you do need to repeat yourself in gaming from time to time while driving in a taxi vehicle.  My European controller doesn’t feel any different.  I consider the European and American difference as a case of snobbery.  Really?  Do we really need to see a “blue” logo for European and a “red” logo for American?  That’s lame!  Getting more than $2,500 dollars in taxi profit of money can be considered high.  3D graphics take place.  In fact, we see errors and bugs on the TV for Crazy Taxi 2 and it’s because of wonder and feeling of a third dimension.  The Sega Dreamcast video game console wasn’t always the most perfect of 3D display.  In fact, at times, the 3D itself was a problem to handle for amusement and surreal dissatisfaction.  But the controller’s buttons work very well for a brand new item and the game plays as it should, unless you prefer a bigger rainbow of colors for display.  The rainbow for Crazy Taxi 2 is very small considering modern life.  You will need to use your imagination.  What I suggest for you to do first is watch movies and theater about New York and other big cities.  By then, you should be able to get a feel for Crazy Taxi 2, even if the study and observation may feel awkward.  Crazy Taxi 2 is more theory than practice.  We know this, because the Sega Dreamcast game reveals enough to leave enough hidden for amusement and it would take a complete makeover to present Crazy Taxi 2 to a modern audience.  Really!  My European controller feels like my American controller.  Lol.  Did Sega think that simply having a “blue logo” makes all the difference?  I don’t think so!  Now keep in mind that Earth is more modern than Earth used to be.  Differences of culture in the past were largely due to national governments of eternal matter of flavors and habits.  It used to be very reasonable to be a “real American” or a “polite Englishman”.  Now, cultural difference can appear meaningless and unnecessary.  This modern living leads to the need for equality and justice.  So, Crazy Taxi 2 was a step towards a better Earth to live in.  The Sega Dreamcast video game console was fairly universal and known.  In comparison, the Atari 5200 was mostly an American invention.  People on Earth are closer together.  Reality gets chaotic; however, most of us know the resources of information.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Poem- “For Clarification and by Interruption”

“For Clarification and by Interruption”

Romantic poets never clarify a subject.

They interrupt a subject with dramatic opposition.

We get images of hurting hearts and unique lust.

It’s not a forgotten market list you see hanging off a can of beans for 99¢.

It’s a bucket list to weep over!

Remembering heat to quiet thunder along feet of her cage, my flesh shows.

Poem- “Beauty and the Beast”

“Beauty and the Beast”

He’s angry that you’re not eating.

You’re not hungry.

But, he wants you to eat.

He screams at you for you to eat.

He breaks down the door for you to eat.

He gives a threat of killing you for you to eat.

What do you do?

What do you do with this beast?

You’re not hungry!

But, he will kill you if you don’t eat.

It’s completely disgusting.

You must be fat or he will kill you.

But, if you eat too much food, you will get unhealthy and die sooner.

We have industry in America.

A lot of Americans want to feed you.

They want to see you get fat and unhealthy.

Nobody in America really likes the idea of “wasting food”.

So, Americans eat too much, instead of throwing food away.

They get unhealthy.

They get fat.

They eat weeds and drink gas.

So, they get fat.


Because people do enjoy feeding people.

Or, people just feed people, and the rest is history.

What are you going to do?

People have too much food for you.

It’s America.

So, what does this mean?

What it means is this.

If people get angry, hyper, and excited about feedback, refuse their food.

You don’t need that much food.

Eat healthy food and only eat healthy food if you’re hungry.

And, tell people to stop “cooking” and ignore the weeds.

Weeds are just garbage.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Poem- “Chances”


Give me less reason.

From the eyes into a hole,

Your view burns wisdom.

Without a visit,

It’s fiction or history.

You can’t tell difference.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Videogame Review, Galaga for the Nintendo Entertainment System (w/ NES Max Controller)

Videogame Review, Galaga for the Nintendo Entertainment System (w/ NES Max Controller)

The NES controller wasn’t Nintendo’s maximum control.  The NES Max controller was Nintendo’s maximum control.  However, there’s a catch!  A device with maximum control can hurt your hands.  My personal experience with the NES Max does give me a little bit of pain.  It’s to be expected.  Arcade games like Galaga and Pac-Man provide the audience with sweat, frustration, and intensity of emotional being.  Not every player for old video games agrees to “turbo” buttons.  In fact, some players of “old” video games consider “turbo function” as cheating.  I’ve worked up a sweat with the NES Max controller.  Actually, the bonus rounds in Galaga are more difficult with turbo function since your ship must depend on a history of shots, blasts, and enemy encounter.  Galaga doesn’t get so repetitive if you’re able to reach the higher levels.  Thus far, I’ve gone past 140,000 points of high score.  Enemies move around in a variety of angles that keep the intensity going for me.  The controller is very accurate.  But, keep in mind that, with pain, you can get distracted.  My fingers are recovering while I type this video game review.  I’m not always a critic of video games.  Some of the critics on Earth are bad reviewers.  My video game review covers Galaga with the NES Max controller.  Turbo function is tricky.  Generally speaking, using turbo makes the official playing fields pretty empty, even if the bonus rounds are stuck in gears during reload.  I have done achievements for PERFECT! bonus rounds with the NES Max.  Retro gamers would probably consider this cheating.  Then again, I like having a “machine gun” for bonus rounds.  We don’t have to let a machine perform everything of craft.  But some players for old video games feel that people should push their buttons over a challenge like no other.  So, what turbo function can do is make gameplay very automated in circulation of ergonomics.  The NES Max controller does not have a very high circulation of ergonomics.  If anything, my comfort is a little privacy that deserves some credit.  Nintendo, Atari, Sega, Sony, Microsoft, and other video game companies have not been consistent with maximum control.  Maximum control is sort of like maximum freedom and I know gamers are pretty shy near people on the streets.  A gamer may laugh at himself while walking next door to the market.  If that’s the case, gaming and gameplay of video games have an impact on social behavior.  Critics aren’t the only victims of circumstance.  Reviewers can say something that programmers don’t like.  A reviewer can be a real jerk.  I make sure I can read my own video game reviews with at least one polite voice that’s needed.  My words can appear wrong to a false reader of my literature and I must find enough details to make sure he doesn’t just “rip the page” with irrelevant study.  The NES Max controller does help me play Galaga better.  Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it humors; however, my controller isn’t tickling me and my arcade experience rocks the world for a moment.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Poem- “Living and Dying”

“Living and Dying”

You want unlimited entertainment for a limited time.

That’s not logic.

If you ask me, I think you’re crazy.

You’re crazy.

Every life is available for a limited time.

So, “unlimited” entertainment is not possible for a life.

Artists need time for performance of entertainment.

You need to “spend time” for viewership.

If you get a life for a limited time, you don’t have unlimited entertainment.

Poem- “Sit Down and Rest”

“Sit Down and Rest”


Be quiet and go to sleep,

You freaking hound dog.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Poem- “Vitamins and Minerals”

“Vitamins and Minerals”

We need groceries,

Excavating for a store.

You keep taste in check.

Poem- “Glaring Colors”

“Glaring Colors”

Slang is a fake post.

You’re just looking without reach,

Under confusion.

Note: many fast-food signs are slang, many drinks are slang, many treats of yummy food are slang.  Think about it!  Is it wise to accept slang and just eat unhealthy food for the bad words?  You can get cancer that way!  And, you have people who eat fast-food, “support the fight against cancer” and have bad words.  What hypocrites!

Friday, July 16, 2021

Videogame Review, Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo Entertainment System (w/ NES Max Controller)

Videogame Review, Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo Entertainment System (w/ NES Max Controller)

Nintendo did not believe their original controller was the best NES controller for their NES video game console.  Nintendo did believe their NES Max controller was the best, or, the greatest.  Nintendo says on the package, “Experience maximum control at your fingertips with the NES Max from Nintendo.  This amazing accessory adds even more excitement to your NES.”  Let me ask you a question.  “… even more excitement…”  Okay!  More excitement than what?  From this statement, Nintendo was suggesting that the NES controller was “less” than the NES Max controller.  My review will be shocking to the NES fans who read this.  You will need to believe me on this.  The NES Max was Nintendo’s maximum control.  But, the NES controller was not.  Do I believe this?  Yes, and, no.  Super Mario Bros. is a great game.  On my personal experience, the NES Max controller is more experimental and less practical.  That’s fine.  Players do need to slow down a little bit more and pay attention.  Yes, we’re very practical with modern video game controllers.  Strangers might look at my picture of the NES Max and say, “No way!”  Yes way!  By looking at my controllers, you see 2 kinds of NES controllers- the left controller is the NES Max (“joystick”) and the right controller is the NES controller (“dog bone”).  I play Super Mario Bros. better with the original controller; that is, the NES controller.  A NES Max controller is very interesting, special, and unique.  I do get more “controls” with the NES Max.  The NES Max has turbo buttons that help me better in shooting fireballs.  Keep in mind that the NES Max, in effect, has a BIGGER direction pad.  It’s a bigger direction pad with thumbstick in the middle, or “joystick”.  Here’s the catch!  The “joystick” does not actually move your character.  No, no.  The “joystick” actually does nothing at all.  What the joystick, or, “thumbstick” does do is, let you push into the direction pad.  You don’t exactly push the direction pad yourself.  You move a useless joystick that uses the buttons for movement.  Neat, huh?  Ironically enough, this is the maximum control Nintendo was believing in.  Hey, Nintendo said their words!  I must agree with their words and give a judgement.  I do get bored with Super Mario Bros. now.  That’s because I’m already a gamer for the NES classic.  In fact, before I got a brand new NES Max, I purchased a used NES Max from Gamestop years ago.  A used NES Max controller from Gamestop was $2.99.  I also purchased a NES Power Pad for $2.99.  You’re probably thinking, “Wow!  That’s cheap!”  You’re right, and, also wrong.  NES controllers did not have big price tags like PS5 controllers today have.  However, NES games were very short if you already knew what you were doing.  Beating Super Mario Bros. can take a little over 1 hour.  So, why was Super Mario Bros. a challenging, difficult game?  Because you didn’t know the game before you got the game!  That’s why.  Videogame reviewers and critics forget about their knowledge.  Old video games aren’t that wonderful for these reviewers and critics anymore because they already know the old video games now!  It’s not rocket science.  At least the challenge increases with the NES Max controller with complicated fashion of data management.  Maybe with less features, there can be greater data management.  Super Mario Bros. with the NES Max goes from being a simple game to a complicated game.  And, if you’re not so obvious, the game is a blast.  Ha ha!

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Videogame Review, Rygar for the Arcade (w/ Nintendo Wii Console)

Videogame Review, Rygar for the Arcade (w/ Nintendo Wii Console)

I see the problem with the NES game.  The NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) video game console was ahead of its time in terms of features, but not in terms of data management.  Believe it or not, the NES game of Rygar actually has more features than Rygar from the arcade.  Something’s up.  My Nintendo Wii does run the original arcade game just fine; except for the TV, a brand new TV that sports a DVD player and includes the lower volume of audio expected.  Maybe connecting a theater system to the “old” brand new TV will do the trick.  Rygar from the arcade is the better game.  From the arcade, Rygar has focus along the lines of bare, simple measures of combat against crazy dinosaurs and funny-looking devils.  Devils can’t be funny because they abuse humor.  Fighting the dinosaurs and devils does take practice!  Naturally, dinosaurs have their existence and that’s about all I know.  I can’t look at a dinosaur and say, “I can see history without records.”  The Nintendo Entertainment System does have a history.  However, Rygar from the arcade keeps the real focus.  I do find the arcade game simple and basic.  My Nintendo Wii is a video game console with plenty of controllers.  Nintendo Wii games are now history; then again, I like going back to the Nintendo Wii with a particular controller and playing from my library of Nintendo Wii downloads.  Nintendo Wii downloads were those games from Nintendo’s online shopping channel.  The online shopping channel closed years ago.  But, my Nintendo Wii downloads appear to be working fine.  I’m more worried about the digital memory card!  Digital memory cards have expiration dates.  Although I can play with the Nintendo Wii, I will have to say goodbye someday.  A Nintendo Switch does similar things.  So many gamers and players just need to play with old video games and have a good time.  Is a good time possible for Rygar?  Yes, and, no.  Rygar for the Nintendo Wii does let me play an arcade game without inserting coins of money.  That’s good!  Of course, my flat-screen TV needs a better display.  The arcade game itself needed a better day.  You get lots of visuals that shrink into little effects of sight.  You don’t get that many bosses in Rygar.  But, the arcade game does provide you with a variety of meaningful, challenging enemies.  There’s repetition somewhat.  I enjoy climbing a rope and dodging monsters who want to lick me with evil kisses.  Discovering a pattern of small creatures leaves me satisfied.  Rygar is a feature presentation that involves difficult management for a primitive style of Nintendo.  It has to be.  My Nintendo Wii was refurbished and sold to me just before Nintendo closed their online shopping channel for the Nintendo Wii.  Besides, you do get dinosaurs and devils against your warrior who lives of fitness under a deceiving shade.  Just pushing the right buttons makes the arcade game easier.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Poem- “Impossible Dream”

“Impossible Dream”

“I can see the future.”



Write down all of my “unreleased” poems from the future.

Write down all of my “unreleased” poems from today to the next 20 years later.

From today to 20 years later, write down all of my poems from the future.

Can you do that?

Oh, but you must!

You can see the future… NOT!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Poem- “Under the Ceiling”

“Under the Ceiling”

Glass burns into pop.

He’s the stretching container,

For loss of measure.

Poem- “How Confusing”

“How Confusing”

With false emotions, your personality just doesn’t last.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Poem- “In the Future”

“In the Future”

Do you know how to live on the moon?

If not, you’re not an astronaut.

Going to the moon is a special privilege.

To go to the moon (if you can) you must have science.

Without science, you’re just a dummy in a costume.

That doesn’t count as space ranger.

Keep something else in mind.

I don’t know how to live on the moon.

Living on the moon is dangerous and nothing of Earth’s nature.

In fact, I’m sure you can’t even live on the moon and not die.

Consider exercise.

How do you exercise on the moon?

You don’t know.

You’re not walking on the moon and experiencing “space”.

For the modern world, going to the moon is an impossible right for the public.

Space rangers explore the galaxy with privilege, not right.

It’s the kind of privilege that interests Earth’s governments.

You can’t give a moon ticket to an average, everyday citizen.

He would die in 2 seconds.

You’re already dead from imagining too much about the moon!

I do make poems and reviews about the galaxy.

But, that’s because I wish upon a star I don’t visit or burn from.

A millionaire can’t afford to go to the moon.

Even if a millionaire went to the moon, he would probably just die.

There’s plenty of fishes under the sea and almost nothing on the moon.

You probably think the moon isn’t wearing clothes.

The future isn’t always a pleasure.

Imagine this- the future of pain, the future of hunger, the future of death.

Doesn’t that mean anything to you?

Well, if you think Star Wars is real, that’s not going to happen.

Just stay here and look at the moon.

It reminds me of your mother.

She’s a glowing hazard of thought and you won’t imagine anything else.

Ha ha!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Poem- “Common Sense Eating”

“Common Sense Eating”

You’re not shapeshifter,

For a growing body now.

Weight brings lower change.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Videogame Review, Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown for the Playstation 4 (PS4)

Videogame Review, Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown for the Playstation 4 (PS4)

This is an “old” game.  However, millions of Sega’s video game consoles are now out of order.  So you can play an old game with familiar vision and have a blast from the past without a broken machine.  Of course, I’m getting ahead of myself.  The Normal difficulty mode reminds me of Sega 32X.  It’s pretty hard to judge how come Sega’s video games have come this far in terms of technology for the modern world.  Maybe I know this PS4 game too much.  The Arcade mode is the Playstation 4 video game console at a shortcut of beauty and despair.  Keep in mind that the Sega Genesis video game console itself was the greatest public interest over Sega Genesis games.  What happens in video game history is, that, the public gets really interested in a video game console, at first.  Then (with time and history) people make less purchases for the video games they’re interested in.  (As it was told, the Sega Genesis was of great public interest; the Sega CD was of little public interest; and, the Sega 32X was almost of no consequence to the public interest- from high sales, to small hits, to fans only.)  My PS4 controller has some of the best shortcuts of moves and combos I’ve seen for the Playstation 4.  Some PS4 games are very “touchy” in controls.  It’s as if some programmers just want viewers to push their buttons and get lots of randomization.  By modern standards, I consider the Normal difficulty to be very easy on my eyes.  Blue eyes feel better with Diet Coke.  (That was random!)  You do get lots of repeating words in the fighting game; perhaps, these repeating words are Sega’s intention for understanding of physics and obstacles in the way between fantastic fighters.  I’m reviewing the original version for Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown.  I can’t predict the future even if I wanted to.  Also, while I do see the futures of history, once the future becomes the past, the future was already vanishing.  When failure is mediocre to a reviewer, his judgement of great value is a lost cause.  You probably don’t judge much on this.  Maybe.  But, you’re not forgetting our mistake, or, solving the problem, even.  We shouldn’t be tasteless and unprofessional with regards to one of Sega’s greatest games.  I do wish for more internet stuff!  Then again, Mario Kart is too familiar to me anymore and the Virtua Fighter series still has my attention.  Give me a break and I will refuse service.  It’s impressive that the Playstation 4 can handle plenty of Sega’s old technology.  But, given the angle, a beginner might relate more for less connection.  Sega’s fiction does reach the impossible.  For example, a fighting woman may have a dress on with long material and the material can get very close to her feet although she keeps fighting without tripping over.  That’s not natural.  That doesn’t happen.  Sega does enjoy colors.  You can see great visuals of beauty that hold ugliness to shame of combat.  The PS4 controller has the upper, shoulder buttons which help me get a vivid diagonal movement in seating position.  Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown can be a very short game or a very long game.  This isn’t surprising, since fantasy begins where reality ends or such and such.  It’s a visual treat, a “real” treat, but not a doggie treat.  Now where’s my dog?

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Poem- “You Need That”

“You Need That”

It’s upon request,

With caution around the floor.

Just drop his ketchup.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Poem- “The Basics”

“The Basics”

“PONG is obsolete.”

Can 2 + 2 = 4 be obsolete?

No, it can’t.

PONG is 2 + 2 = 4.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Poem- “Means of Production”

“Means of Production”

A conservative is self-defeating.

He wishes for less education.

But, it’s only with more education that he can even be more conservative.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Videogame Review, Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX for the Playstation 5 (PS5)

Videogame Review, Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX for the Playstation 5 (PS5)

My name is Alex.  No, really.  My name is Alex.  Ignore “Alex”.  “Alex” looks funny, is horrible at driving, and feels like a boring angel.  I’m the wrong Alex!  My PS5 controller does not work well for Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.  In particular, the direction pad is slippery.  It’s slippery because the direction pad is made of a substance that’s like glass.  Imagine a controller with “glass” for buttons.  Doesn’t that sound like a bad idea?  From playing the game, I think it’s a very, very bad idea.  I need my fingers there.  The game has a course where you must try swimming between sharp, deadly diamonds, without killing yourself (you may only have 1 health), and, you’re using the direction pad that’s like glass or the thumbstick that’s like a ball in motion of analog.  Wow!  This is a tough one to sell.  I found the game on my Playstation 5 console through the online, internet Playstation Store; however, I was unsure if the game was real.  The game’s details and general information have poor spelling and weird marks of description.  And, I needed to go ahead with the purchase, since my Playstation 5 console has no disc drive.  There’s no need for a disc in all honesty.  My PS5 video game console runs digital games fine for the most part.  A PS5 controller needs to be updated with the plug running into the Playstation 5 system.  Internet is very necessary these days!  Even Sega’s video game consoles are results of capitalism with internet and I’m okay with that.  Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX is more difficult to play than Super Mario Bros. Lost Levels.  The Infinite Lives help me out.  There’s a lot of surreal, rich colorful world to view.  I’m sure the programmers love art.  Thing is, gameplay is really about skill, talent, and genius.  Taking a ride on the motorcycle has its moments.  You beat the first-some boss enemies with a children’s game.  Going for the heat of battle takes practice- of course, the practice is an extreme theory of humor.  The Sega Genesis controller is better for Alex Kidd; while the PS5 controller has sharp tactical feedback, my fingers slide around the buttons because the buttons are so smooth.  Maybe another PS5 controller would be a better choice.  The Playstation 5 video game console is a modern gaming machine.  Keep in mind that a word like “modern” suggests one’s abandoning of tradition.  I understand that a little.  But it would help if programmers understand tradition first before changing it.  The PS5 game is very difficult and rings of intensity, silly fighting, and mean jokes.  Finding the right spot for gaming does involve vision of self-relaxation until problems happen within opposed relations.  It’s a PS5 game about “the royal highness” if we’re to fool around and cross our fingers.  Reviewers use weasel words like “only fans enjoy this” or such nonsense.  Some fans just want to control their friends and force them into parties.  I’m not your friend!  My name is Alex.  Ignore “Alex” if you want.  I’m telling the truth and that’s good enough for me.