
Thursday, July 22, 2021

Poem- “TV Commercials”

“TV Commercials”

TV commercials are not books.

TV commercials are more like sentences, or, just a few words.

You don’t get real information from a TV commercial.

A TV commercial is short, quick, and easy to view.

In fact, I think it’s TOO easy.

You can’t just give me a few words and walk away.

I need information!

There’s no authorship for a TV commercial.

You need time for a real book.

TV commercials just seem to happen very quickly.

Making matters worse, TV commercials are usually lies.

You see, you get actors on TV for a TV commercial.

They give a few words and the TV commercial ends.

Okay, now what?

Can I keep watching the TV commercial?

No, I can’t.

It’s impossible.

The TV commercial is over.

It’s over and it’s done.

Nobody can look into the TV commercial for more information.

Maybe a TV commercial will just be 30 seconds.

Who has a philosophy in 30 seconds?


So, what happens is, most people just ignore TV commercials.

It’s the junk food of Film & Entertainment.

There can be an important idea or a basic sentence of marketing practice.

But, when it comes down to it, TV commercials aren’t real information.

TV commercials are light suggestions and common opinions.

Do you remember how many TV commercials are in a baseball game?

If not, you’ve done a great job with the future of ignorance.

Just ignore TV commercials.

Who cares?

My special interests are meaningful because I’m a dedicated author.

A dedicated author needs to write a long book for knowledge and understanding.

TV commercials are not books.

Sometimes, TV commercials have an interesting look for presenting materials.

But looking is not reading.

Good reading is a virtue of patience.

Readers know more from books than anything else, except for good nature.

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