
Friday, April 30, 2021

Videogame Review, “Lolo” for the Nintendo Entertainment System (w/ Nintendo Switch)

Videogame Review, “Lolo” for the Nintendo Entertainment System (w/ Nintendo Switch)

The game is based on IQ.  What happens when you don’t have “that” IQ?  Then, the game stops or it takes too long to get anything done.  It’s not rocket science.  Of course, my IQ is very low.  I mean that I’m “disabled” or “mentally retarded”.  The game is pretty to look at while playing.  Although the hero is smart on paper; in order to make the hero smart, you must be smart.  What happens if you’re not smart?  Then, you’re just pretending to be a hero and you dislike the hero for what he is on paper, that you can’t put in practice.  For the game, you’re told to be someone you probably can’t really be.  The hero needs to be smart and you have bad possession of him.  He would’ve done better for a cartoon that a gamer just watches.  Let me give you a history lesson.  For starters, there’s always “brute force” in a castle.  No exceptions!  Lolo’s girlfriend is being “swept away” by a quick, powerful hero.  Under my gameplay Lolo is slow and dragging his feet.  There’s brute force in “Lolo” and drowning eggs are proof.  A flaw with this game is that my hero on paper is very smart and I’m not very smart.  This reality impacts suspension of disbelief.  In other words, a stupid guy like me must actually play as a smart hero (which is impossible), or else, the game only looks real on paper.  A queen is so fair I suppose.  (Imagine Super Mario.  He must be smart to defeat a castle.  What if, for Super Mario to be smart, you need to be just as smart; and, not only “smart”, but exactly as intelligent and wise in comparison to Mario?  I don’t think that’s a description of the Super Mario Bros. game in that form of a question.)  Finding obstacles for change of pace takes time to consider the outcome or the future to speak of.  Controls are steady, complex, and pointing together in my hands.  It’s hard for players to believe in fiction once they know the rules and get to be dicks in their living rooms.  “Oh, look at me!  I like to play videogames!”  Their intelligence can wait.  What I need is a different brain.  And, that’s not going to happen so soon.  Now I can make improvements in gameplay since there’s someone knocking upstairs in my mind.  Do I need to smile?  No.  Law does not require a smile like that.  Videogames have rules unless there’s a fault at great length.  A rule can involve reality in the making.  I know what you’re going to say.  You’re going to say, “I like Nintendo!”  Great!  But, an honest man can’t do reviews and always like it.  We have a variety of games and a variety of difference.  If you like everything, you’re going to run into problems because we have specific games for specific interests.  If you enjoy one game, you’re going to have to complain about another game.  That’s the circle of life.  If I don’t complain about Lolo, I will need to complain about Mario.  See the problem?  Mario and Lolo are not equals.  Super Mario Bros. is not a puzzle game based on IQ.  However, “Lolo” is.  If you disagree with me about Lolo, you’re suggesting that intelligence matters and that I’m false for being a disabled person.  You’re not exactly false if there’s enough intelligence in your head.  I just need to make my case and let you know where the art stands at present.  It’s a good game if you’re smart enough.  Then again, do you believe in Lolo or is that just you?

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Poem- “The Declaration of Eats”

“The Declaration of Eats”

My fellow pigs!

Can you hear a full stomach,

When bacon is there?

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Poem- “Dreamlike and Real”

“Dreamlike and Real”

Why do people need history?

Because they must remember a clock for looking up schedule.

Humans often ignore, dismiss, and question changes.

Only God knows best.

For a man like me, I need to look at a clock and tell time.

God doesn’t “need” a clock; He always knows.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Poem- “All the Fun”

“All the Fun”

Liars do not have lessons.

They’re confusing and messy.

Maybe a liar will say,

“I like being random.”


“I like multitasking.”

Stay away from false people like those.

A tenderness only lasts for their wits about them.

Videogame Review, City Connection for the Nintendo Entertainment System (w/ Nintendo Switch)

Videogame Review, City Connection for the Nintendo Entertainment System (w/ Nintendo Switch)

We read into old games for entertainment if it’s there, or, criticism happens.  Looking around at so many colors can make us wild and foolish.  Something can be said for this.  A car hangs in the balance until paint is as digital.  Dimensions begin and end, over and over, as time goes on.  Maybe you’ll see a statue, or a tower, or warm grass- how do I know the grass in a video game is “warm” as such?  Temperature exists for color between viewer and display.  TV goes a long way!  Just a color like “black” falls in different areas and we lose track of saturation.  Quite a few players won’t feel passion about all this.  When gamers are arrogant, either they wish to go back to the past to undo what was done, or, they get very angry and intense when questioned about the past (especially if there’s “skeletons in the closet”).  I’m a new gamer to this NES classic.  Videogames on the NES or “Nintendo Entertainment System” really have video if we’re to ignore faults of visual appeal in graphics; that’s because, we get glory in video in some NES games while pops and cracks in video hurt the imaginary style of notice.  I’ve read reviews for City Connection that give one thumb up (although we have two hands) and give opinions about lack of care for both display and viewer.  Something’s wrong here.  Harsh criticism of display suggests denial of viewership.  Can’t we all just get along?  So, my review for City Connection needs to be fair, plain and simple on good terms if we’re to dust off a glove and return to safety.  City Connection appears to present police vehicles with subtle lights, camera and action.  The picture is a fantasy and it shows.  Mental being changes from currents of thought in our history and NES games pack a punch in locations for knots and ribbons.  Controls in the game go from specific to technical and it gets difficult to know where entertainment falls on genius.  Lives in videogames are obviously imaginary and “death” is a concept as long as we’re returning or coming back to life for practice and sport.  The visuals or graphics depend on angles into obstruction even when the going gets tough.  The balloons in particular are stiff, boring, and unbelievable.  An idea like “painting the road with a moving vehicle” doesn’t fly with me if there’s no visible brush out of sight.  Elements in the visual aren’t so natural and, what ends up happening is, gamers drown in the exaggeration until pointless favors come to terms with negative goals.  I’m not sure if anyone is really emotional and caring about this classic game; which brings up the question, “Why is it a classic?”  The history of classics includes instances of ignorant public opinions for sealed packages and minimum wage labor.  People want more money for vanity, fashion, and custom- and, if fools can trick wisemen, there’s undeserving gifts.  I can find something to like about City Connection; however, it’s too complicated for its own good and the maze theory doesn’t hold up for a wild beast.  The game is only attraction for uninterested hobby.  But I’m still interested, so, I’ll find something else.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Poem- “Breaking Apart and Saving Money”

“Breaking Apart and Saving Money”

You pull apart food to share it.

You tape up money to keep it.

Can we be divided in hunger from share of ruin?

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Poem- “A Nice Day Outside”

“A Nice Day Outside”

She is blowing up,

Just to rain on your parade.

Can we kick her out?

Videogame Review, TwinBee for the Nintendo Entertainment System (w/ Nintendo Switch)

Videogame Review, TwinBee for the Nintendo Entertainment System (w/ Nintendo Switch)

It’s most certainly a distraction.  We get entertainment for pleasures that don’t matter, since humor takes form upon exaggeration until fantasy pops open and we’re left with “sunshine”.  There’s a difference between a full picture and an exaggeration.  With a full picture, I can say, “Birds are singing in the garden.”  With an exaggeration, I can say, “The deep blue is a leprechaun who smokes with reptiles.”  See the difference?  TwinBee is a shooter from the past I’ve been looking into for 8-bit interest.  It’s not logical and perhaps doesn’t need to be when the picture is clear enough for exaggeration.  Some visual problems make the game look more intense than necessary for recognition of meaning.  Are you an English teacher?  If not, maybe you should refrain from criticizing my grammar- if my teachers performed in separate classes and I needed to graduate from divided schools, my English today is a result from life, “life” which is greater than individual classes and unique schools.  When playing this “classic” game I’m engaging in a hobby.  Shooting enemies takes practice although genius is required for longer fields of vision.  It’s a game you can play in short bursts.  You can’t always play games better by playing games more often.  Reality is that I need to talk about games from time to time in order to make good sense of them if there’s merit to proceed on deep circumstances.  Readers sometimes ask me questions that are better if asked to themselves.  Who is answering the questions?  Here, for my Nintendo Switch, gameplay involves taking out abstract, fancy enemies with plenty of gross colors and nasty effects of change according to battle and fighting.  Videogames is not just a science; videogames is also an art.  From moments on end my gameplay changes.  I play for a while, rest a while, read a while, then get back into gaming.  Controls are responsive to a point and then I’m being careful with my right thumb for pointing fire around the range of evasion.  Players always have electric virtue of the kind: quick, comfortable, and technical unless anger burns desire into tasteless revenge.  For good philosophy of life, it’s not enough to speak English.  We must understand experience in a true nature.  Even with abstraction, if there’s reality to lean back on, where do you plug a controller and start playing?  Constant new ideas lead to ruin.  Just from the looks of playing this game, we’re covering material that’s visionary and a philosopher isn’t going to suddenly walk into my house and say, “Hey, stop that!”  (Students become disorganized when teachers are mean.)  I won’t be mean since this review gives to expression of doubt for myself and others.  The most logical thing for video game companies to do is to make good games for honest people to play.  No logic can come from a statement like, “Evil is make-believe.”  First of all, TwinBee is about good and evil for make-believe.  Second of all, art is about life, or, living about good and evil.  And, finally, people can’t know good and evil without definitions and we only get good and evil from definitions.  Because education is a system of definitions, and, “good” and “evil” are words with definitions; and, because education is a system of definitions for existence, good and evil exist.  Sorry!  Don’t like it?  Take a hike.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Poem- “In All Honesty”

“In All Honesty”

“Does this suit make me look fat?”

No, your food does.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Poem- “Table Manners”

“Table Manners”

When interference be a false record,

Just understanding hurts space to mustard.

Videogame Review, Strike Force Bowling for the Microsoft Xbox (w/ Original Xbox Controller)

Videogame Review, Strike Force Bowling for the Microsoft Xbox (w/ Original Xbox Controller)

The game isn’t natural.  We get a blend of irrelevant facts put together in decreasing ego.  I don’t know why the game is rated for “everyone” because there’s alcohol in the game.  Also, you’ll discover female players in very small shirts.  You get a fantasy for your money.  For example, you’ll get a beach to play near.  But a realistic view is lacking because I can see a flying bird behind a tree’s leaves, although, the bird is supposed to be in the sky away from the tree and the tree is supposed to be close to me, not the bird.  A problem with this lack of reality is twofold: 1) you wish for fantasy, 2) you wish for reality.  Reality and fantasy get mixed up from this program.  Artists need to understand reality before creating fiction or else a disorderly fashion in presentation will offend ignorant viewers to receive or deny.  My big, huge Xbox controller is more interesting than the game itself.  It’s possible to really pay attention to this original Xbox controller and just to think of the rest as background noise or dull colors, as if you’re in a room with paintings you don’t look at or even really notice.  Being on a pirate ship for a bowling game is hilarious until millions of fictional items combine into disorderly views and looks.  The golf bowling is better than I thought it would be; then again, I feel like a hole-in-two should be the real hole-in-one.  Positioning myself against the pins proves to be an object worthy of confusion and intense visuality to full denial of beauty where lines meet in haste of graceful action.  Xbox Live is dead now.  From the looks of things, it’s now Xbox Privacy.  Okay, I’m joking around a little, as you’re probably wondering if I’m using real words.  If that concerns you I don’t think Strike Force Bowling would be your thing since it’s something of a random paradise.  What happens in our video game industry is that when companies can’t offer better graphics with reality, they end up pretending fancy with unreal consequences in sport.  That’s to say that it’s a lot easier for a company even these days to offer better graphics by presenting extremes in fiction and fantasy.  Yet, people do still have feelings and emotions.  Gamers are not just suddenly going to deny everything that happens due to authority and reason people naturally must live by.  Fantasy videogames damaged our imaginations in the 2000’s and, if you’re as old as I am or more, we have trouble following rules and terms because of all these fantasies we grew up with.  Think about it!  Can a player read terms of use if he does not even know what a tree looks like?  In Strike Force Bowling, trees look very suspicious, kind of like a cat’s tail pulled in a knot.  My descriptions are a little uneasy.  But, with playing so much nonsense, I’m wondering where my brain is.  Just the pirates are lame and ridiculous for their cheering of sport and irrelevant procedure.  Laughter is possible for this Xbox game.  I’m laughing right at the game since it’s all very wonderful and terrible at the same time.  Can you play bowling in space?  And they call this “modern technology” of sorts?  This isn’t modern technology.  It’s one absurd presentation created by fools and dreamers.  You don’t get skill, you don’t get genius- the game is a silly feature presentation without guts or glory.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Poem- “A False Future”

“A False Future”

People used to believe the moon was made of cheese.

They had this feeling, emotion, and personal sense for the “future”.

Humanity at some point even used to believe that moon was like Earth.

Soon, Earth was sending real astronauts to the moon.

The astronauts were heading for the “future”.

What happened?

Well, we arrived into the future.

But it was not the “future” we were going for at all.

The moon is not made of cheese.

The moon is not full of aliens.

The moon is not a jungle.

The moon is not a planet with farms and cattle.

The moon has no “Earth” to it.

Cows don’t jump over the moon.

Almost nobody has ever been on the moon.

Nobody is meeting previous, natural residents on the moon.

The moon is covered with dust and very empty.

The moon is not like Earth at all.

If anything, the moon is so distant, it’s a forgotten cousin of Earth.

It’s simply not a future that was “future”.

So stop predicting the future.

We have existence or we do not have existence.

There is no permanent promise.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Poem- “A Private Moment”

“A Private Moment”

“Let’s stand up!”


Sit down, read a book, and be quiet.

“We need to stand up!”


Sit down, read a book, and be quiet.

I know you’re not reading.

A good reader can never “stand up” like that.

Generally speaking, he sits down to read and “understands” it.

Do you see a jogging reader?

Give me a break!

Monday, April 19, 2021

Poem- “Very Formal”

“Very Formal”

When you give me information, don’t be meaningless under specifics.

Follow enough rules and observe good personality.

I need the real book.

Poem- “My Opinions”

“My Opinions”

I need to let it go.

There’s opinions I have you should quit from.


“Just old people die.”

“Fruit is junk.”

“Soap remains as my treasure.”

“Mean guys are funny.”

“Ladies should be impolite for kindness.”

“The dumb become smart for ignoring virtue.”

“A cat makes pancakes.”

“His dog talks.”

“Remain calm and be gentle in the face of evil.”

“Love your neighbor and walk away.”

“God was created.”

“Forks give birth to knives.”

“Earth is small.”

“I’m going to the moon.”

“Rabbits eat chocolate.”

“A goose is wonderful, sweet, and innocent.”

“Restaurants are so personal they want to tickle me.”

“Waiters can wait.”

“A deer is never angry with me.”

“The squirrel in a cartoon is never realistic.”

“Snow White is white snow.”

“Jesus made for a satisfied customer.”

“Gold is sunshine.”

“A rose is blood.”

“Sky is water.”

“Birds rocket into trees.”

“One orange is too many.”

“Pizza is always Italian.”

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Poem- “Being Independent”

“Being Independent”

If there’s no children, it’s bad for children.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Videogame Review, Knuckles’ Chaotix for the Sega 32X

Videogame Review, Knuckles’ Chaotix for the Sega 32X

It’s a beehive of rumors.  Some players love this game; some players hate this game.  You need a really, really deep taste in art to enjoy it at all.  Just running down a tunnel can bring you to so much to see and wonder on.  Public opinion is the worst voice to listen to for the Sega 32X.  The Sega 32X was colorful; the Virtual Boy was uncolorful.  And, both systems didn’t do well in sales.  The Game Boy was uncolorful; the Super Game Boy was colorful.  And, both systems did well in sales.  You can’t exactly know what the public wants- one moment, they go for this; another moment, they go for that.  As a community, back then, most gamers simply didn’t know what they wanted.  Maybe I have confusion, disorder, and feeling under views for trouble.  It’s difficult to tell how people react to colors.  Thinking in color is a problem since government lacks color and business pours color.  We get a variety of electric eyes in the world.  Knuckles’ Chaotix reveals a vision for distraction between acceptance and rejection.  Wonderful shades bounce all over the place and it doesn’t belong in your… uh, hat.  Pick a number from the game and you’ll be wondering if the math skills work out.  It’s the kind of original artwork that pulls us in and also pushes us out.  Let’s go with abstract paintings today for reference- the Sega 32X game is like those, only with goals and objectives required.  Defeating enemies isn’t really the mission.  Actually, we’re expected to climb walls after recognizing strange objects of pleasure and pain.  Nobody can help himself through this game.  In one sense, we’re nearing attraction; in another sense, we’re nearing a fantasy from leaving negative excitement on.  Do artists need us to wonder about the rainbow all day long?  To this day, many dedicated Sonic fans remember the characters, although I’m not sure if any of these dedicated Sonic fans personally own a Sega 32X.  Let there be shame if that sounds like you!  At the same time I’m curious, too.  This isn’t a Sonic game.  It’s a Knuckles game.  You know, the red little monster who pleases himself with jewels?  He probably needs to get married.  Think about it!  Only a normal human wants jewelry for marriage.  This little red monster has jewelry for loneliness and isolation.  And, even if Knuckles tags along with other sweet characters in the game, Sonic fans may feel at odds about the whole situation.  My guess is that some players don’t “feel it”.  Outside of the Sonic books, did we get enough of a story about Knuckles in the Sega Genesis games, or, the Sega Saturn games, or the Sega Dreamcast games?  I don’t think so.  Sega could’ve been joking around about Knuckles and treated him as the red guy in Sonic’s games.  But I think Knuckles’ Chaotix isn’t so much of an attraction as it is a distraction due to our lack of knowledge about Knuckles and modern technology in the 1990’s wasn’t enough to let us place long video presentation for Knuckles.  From playing this Sega 32X game we’re supposed to “imagine” a lot for videogames and here’s where a problem starts.  Suppose a gamer buys Knuckles’ Chaotix.  Well, money and imagination are two different species for art- one is profit, one is gain.  A gamer like this guy isn’t just suddenly going to absorb this respectable presentation enough to dismiss enough for gameplay with achievements ended.  You need to study the art and go against it, all at once, with goals in mind for random cardinal links in the stages.  Players might as well be arrested to beauty until wonder crashes.  If you have a real deep taste for art you can give this review I have some notices for responsive changes.  I believe it’s a distraction worth recognizing until magnetism is rough around the edges.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Poem- “Phonics”


A false statement contains letters of the alphabet.

A false statement contains language.

A false statement contains vibrations under talking.

A false statement contains imagery, view, or look.

So, is phonics greater than nature?


In fact nature is greater than phonics.

A spelling word isn’t the hurricane, brick, or moments of time with reason.

“Phonics” is just a word for alphabet in practice.

Humans in their craft represent quality, not practice.

Let children practice.

Adults need quality.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Videogame Review, Virtua Racing Deluxe for the Sega 32X

Videogame Review, Virtua Racing Deluxe for the Sega 32X

Maybe a player has enough imagination for this game to make sense of anything.  It depends on person, identity, and culture.  But I do “find” missing pieces during gameplay.  Someone in the future may have trouble even recognizing this game in video presentation because, when going into racing tracks with a few vehicles, you’re bound to find colors for void and shades for empty spaces.  Let me clarify the problem.  It’s possible for a retro gamer from the past to “see” into dislocations of a view until an imaginary vision is clear as ice.  For the modern gamer today, here’s the issue- I don’t think a modern gamer is going to necessarily “see” into the program because that would require functions of the human brain.  People in the 1990’s had their forms of imagination along the lines of entertainment when, actually, they were also quite blind and ignorant of colors and sounds.  Today, from looking at this racing game for the Sega 32X console, I doubt that a young person would really “find” the invisible objects and suggestive visuals.  Once I was looking at my racing car and asked myself, “Okay, where are the pipes?”  And that’s not all.  In terms of my personal observation for the 1990’s, the Sega Saturn version of the Virtua Racing series is a complete presentation and an absolute masterpiece.  The Sega 32X version is… off.  Turning with my vehicle is possible on the Sega Saturn.  For the Sega 32X, my vehicle doesn’t have smooth control, not even for direction pad control.  The Sega Saturn version of the Virtua Racing series really takes the cake and brings home the presents.  My Sega 32X console is an interesting experiment of sorts; then again, I need to tell what I’m looking at.  Programmers back then knew the importance of views and fashion.  Taking a step backwards isn’t so easy on the tongue.  By writing this review I hope to give players a real taste for what’s coming on the Sega 32X and, unless you’re having different eyes, things I see with my own eyes should be credited for sport and getting behind the wheels.  Speaking of wheels… are the parts functional or dysfunctional?  I only consider them functional in terms of Sega 32X experimenting.  Going into a course can mean trouble.  Unlike the Sega Saturn version, which has a complete presentation of sounds and visuals, the Sega 32X version appears to drift between absence and completion to the point of no return except for partial obedience in driving and semi-confidence within reach of little obscurities.  I’ve played both versions of the Virtua Racing series to this date and I’m the same person.  From what I’m examining here in details and facts, I can’t go ahead with this Sega 32X version.  If I go ahead with this Sega 32X version, I must dismiss the Sega Saturn version.  But that’s a mistake I won’t make!  I know retro fans for the Sega Genesis (with Sega 32X) want Virtua Racing Deluxe to be good.  But that’s just a present sense of imagination that can fade into the myths and rumors of videogame history according to the past, present, and future of evolutionary changes.  I must really see the pipes and objects before receiving them in earnest.  Until then, Virtua Racing Deluxe was an imaginary classic for the Sega 32X- the past imagination disappears, but will we get that past imagination again, somehow, with ongoing changes of modern technology and extinct behaviors?  I don’t think so.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Photo- "Hulk Hogan"


Here's my first drawing of the great, legendary Hulk Hogan.  Look at his big, strong muscles!

Poem- “A Hopeless Troll”

“A Hopeless Troll”

He watches TV.

TV is very entertaining for him.

But, after watching TV, he goes out into the world.

From here he has no interest in people.

If anything, he “hates” people.

What does this say about entertainment?

He watches TV.

(Come on, you can read that.)

He’s in the privacy of his own home.

He smiles, laughs, and cries in the comfort of his home as TV is on.

Then, he leaves his house and has no interest in anyone.

I don’t think it’s entertainment at all.

He’s just watching funny pictures and being in denial of society.

The pleasure is evil because it only helps him doubt people with annoyance.

Even a family can miss each other.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Videogame Review, Space Harrier for the Sega 32X (w/ Sega Genesis)

Videogame Review, Space Harrier for the Sega 32X (w/ Sega Genesis)

Negative opinions about random features have become a cliche of sorts.  We’re probably not standing under God right now, so can’t evolution keep going on for us?  A population of differences always has something random and we shouldn’t be in denial of unique personalities.  Space Harrier is a beautiful game that plays like wandering mischief.  I’m a creative artist.  And, if creative artists do not exist, I do not exist.  But I will never say that!  Someone has to be creative for just about anything.  My blue 6-button Genesis controller does wonders although I’m sure there’s communications within reach of disasters waiting to happen.  Every pause begins and ends; however, Space Harrier has moments of dispute that contradict reality.  You’ll probably say, “It’s a fantasy!”  So?  Every Sega 32X game is a fantasy.  The Sega 32X “console” is always a fantasy in some way, shape, or form- there’s nothing to leave out, and, nothing to put in, as long as there’s a 32X console, because we always get fantasy from it.  Maybe particular effects look realistic somehow.  But it’s very easy for video game companies to create TV programs that never happen.  In other words, we get TV programs that look pretty and wonderful, even if we never get the fantasy for real.  A fantasy may never escape for reality to begin with.  Here, on Space Harrier, my galactic warrior must keep moving and keep shooting.  From viewing the game in action over the years I’ve noticed a similar connection between Sega Genesis and Colecovision.  We get those pops and cracks of time regarding Sega’s history with pinpoint locations and we need to determine electricity through the years.  A videogame console is usually a work of electricity so to speak.  Electricity is needed for most everything concerning modern technology including computers, phones, and gadgets.  People somehow just can’t go without electricity for most of their current, basic needs.  Space Harrier is always static and electrifying in some way.  Yet, electricity, in natural course, can bounce from place to place from the very environment of multitasking and lists of errands.  Artists use color because a work of art can make normal life dark in comparison, so that we hope for light and bring visions to understand for higher levels of trust and ongoing motion.  The collision detection issues very much represent a piece of us that we probably shouldn’t chew too hard on.  I’m reminded of the Colecovision while playing Space Harrier for the Sega 32X.  History repeats itself.  By our history, we have languages upon languages for truth and disorder happens within touch of sound and image.  Space Harrier has “changed” for me over the years.  The Sega 32X console can’t go without the Sega Genesis; so, the Sega 32X is always Sega Genesis, kind of, and, we read into Sega 32X with Sega Genesis programming.  Be careful of eBay purchases!  Sellers like to sell junk to you.  You’ll never go into a McDonald’s and hear a worker say, “Oh, we have junk food and hate minimum wage.”  But that’s reality, right?  Nintendo will never say, “We have lots of bad games in our library!”  But reviewers have complained about Nintendo games for decades, right?  I will admit, quite a few of my poems aren’t what they used to be, but that’s because my hobby is educational and not so business-like.  Teachers in school tell students to eat healthy and exercise in California.  A business in California will probably say, “Get a big, juicy cheeseburger and talk with your girlfriend.”  Of course, America is a nation of heart attacks and heartaches.  See the difference?  I’ll just tell readers in this video game review to eat healthy and exercise.  Have a party with caution.