
Tuesday, August 2, 2022

My Conversation for Mario Kart 64

My Conversation for Mario Kart 64

You probably hate me for this.  I did a negative review for Mario Kart 64 years ago.  Keep in mind, that I was a child for Mario Kart 64 growing up.  I did not have very much internet in the 1990’s.  I did not have YouTube.  I did not have Wikipedia.  I did not have eBay.  My childhood in the 1990’s did not have anything to do with internet.  So, a modern gamer probably tells me, “Your criticism of Mario Kart 64 is a sin.  Millions of people all over Earth love this game.”  Back then, in the 1990’s, when I was a child, if you told me that while I was a child in the 1990’s, I would say, “You’re an asshole.  You’re full of shit.”  I’m not joking.  When I was a child, I would tell you this if you said that to me.  I was playing Mario Kart 64 with my dad.  And, the instruction manual for Mario Kart 64 did not describe the video game program as a religious symbol in any way, shape, or form.  The video game was just “fun” for the time.  It was entertainment.  My religion was to the side.  I was a Christian child.  But, Mario Kart 64 was never serious enough for it to be considered a religious symbol.  It was just “good, old, plain fun”.  Did I have fun with the racing game?  Yes.  I did have fun.  But, from childhood, I did not have much experience of learning and schooling.  I was still in school.  Sometimes, I hated school.  Many teachers were giving me irrational corrections.  Mario Kart 64 was a reasonable excuse to play with my father.  My father does not play video games with me anymore.  Do you know better Nintendo 64 games?  If you do not, you need to study video game magazines about the Nintendo 64 gaming console.  But, in my childhood, I was too gross for much learning and school classrooms were mannerly and ignorant.  My dad would pick up a Nintendo 64 controller and play with me in Mario Kart.  The TV screen looked perfect.  Of course, I was also very ignorant.  Very, very, very ignorant!  I had attention deficit disorder.  I was “very good” at Mario Kart 64.  I was very good at it.  But, the video game was something for cheating in.  You can cheat in the game.  All you have to do, from time to time, for multiplayer, is get too many mushrooms and take naughty shortcuts.  The game would only be challenging for an idiot.  Mario Kart 64 was not hardcore by any means.  To this day, I don’t think the game is really challenging.  You can get too many items and weapons in the game.  How often does a “star item” come up?!  A lot, actually.  Also, the 3D graphics were elementary.  These graphics were cheap.  You can “die” very easily in the video game.  Sure, a mountain can be made of chocolate.  But the chocolate mountain was also a hazard of extreme simplicity and technical force.  You can crash very easy on a chocolate mountain.  Bowser courses were always too hard for my dad.  And, I was such an ass.  I was showing off in front of my dad.  I was a child.  What did I know?!  Fashion for video games in the Ventura City area in California during the 1990’s was lame, inefficient, and void of nice contact.  GameStop was throwing common NES games in the garbage can.  They did not care.  Mario Kart 64 was amusing for some members of my family for years.  But, later on, I discovered that the video game was a flaw.  And, it was only “fun” for being a flaw.  I could not say the game was perfect anymore.  For years, I just thought the game was challenging, but I was also a dummy in school.  My negative review of Mario Kart 64 still remains with the public about this.  The game is dumber than a box of rocks!  I still have my moments.  But, Nintendo has better games.  Only play Mario Kart 64 for historical purpose.  It’s not the best game anymore.  It was only the “best” for ignorance and doubt of educational learning.  We have greater Mario Kart video games to think about.

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