
Friday, November 18, 2022

Gaming Console Review, Nintendo Switch (Original Machine)

Gaming Console Review, Nintendo Switch (Original Machine)

Reviewers do not give “grades” for videogames. Reviewers just give “scores” for videogames. “Grades” and “scores” are not equal. When a student does not receive enough good grades in high school, he or she is permanently cut off from most employment in America. For example, Subway hires people who graduate from high school or higher level of education. Without high school graduation, or, without enough good “grades” from high school, most fast food restaurants will not hire you. If you do not get good grades in a school, that would prevent you from rich employment of earnings in a career. However, reviewers just give “scores” for videogames, and, the “scores” do not impact school graduation. These “scores” for videogames are for entertainment purposes only. A “score” can also be a rating, a value, a favorite, a social behavior, a personality, a humor, a “fun and games” kind of rating. When a student does not graduate from high school, the consequences are devastating and financially harmful. When an “entertainer” does not get good “grades” from reviewers and audience members, the entertainer can still do reasonably well in sales. Sonic the Hedgehog (the movie) did not receive good “grades” from all movie critics; however, Sonic the Hedgehog (the movie) still made lots of money- the money was for entertainment and fun, not scholarship and learning. So, these “grades” for movies, TV shows, creative writing books, videogames, computer games, and entertainment in general are really not grades at all. These “grades” are scores, not grades. A programmer of videogames does not suddenly lose all of his or her education from audience reviews and professional reviews for entertainment purposes; his or her videogame is mostly for entertainment purposes only. Scholarship is about official certification from education authority. Entertainment is for fun, for pleasure, for hobby, for creative art, for fashion, for silly moments, for funny ideas, for crazy fiction, for “off the wall” personality and so on. My sarcasm helps me decrease the worries of gamers and artists who get too much feedback from irrational critics and optional reviewers. I am not a teacher; therefore, I do not give a grade for the Nintendo Switch. I can give a score for the Nintendo Switch. A score for the Nintendo Switch becomes imaginary evidence for my own vanity of favorites and wonders. The Nintendo Switch can be really fun or really boring. Everything in my gaming console review depends mostly on entertainment purposes only. Sometimes, I will mention “scholarship” for readers who have a sense of humor about fiction and fantasy. It’s make-believe, remember? I am not a professor who would shut down an entire laboratory of scientists in caution of academic learning and university privilege. That’s not who I am. I’m just… a “guy”, if you will consider my pleasure of fashion. To be honest, when I was attending a state university in California, none of my professors and colleagues were talking about videogames for any lesson with privilege of academics. In reality, most professors and teachers have poor understanding of basic computer functions. Maybe a professor would tell her students, “Can someone help me turn on the computer?” Who even says “computer” anymore? The professors do. And, they usually do not play videogames. They do not have the time. Videogames was only a subject of conversation at the “Game Room” in my university. But the “Game Room” in my university was more like a club. Clubs are options; classes are requirements. You do not need to play videogames unless you are a professional reviewer or a computer programmer. From this understanding, you can see why I do not give a “grade” for the Nintendo Switch. Any “grade” for the Nintendo Switch would just be absurd and offensive. I just give a “score” for the Nintendo Switch. That, I can do! Entertainment usually is for fun. It’s usually for laughter and delight. Of course, sometimes my sarcasm leads me to believe in scholarship for videogames somewhat. Every so often, we do have fun, but we probably need to get serious enough to be aware of the outside world that rejects videogames as an academic discipline. Think about it! When you get a poor score on your favorite Mario game, is it the end of the world? No, of course not. A “score” is generally for competition and fun amusement in a Mario game. “Grades” are way, way more serious. Grades are the official means of determination about possible employment and career opportunity. “Ratings” and scores are really for the amusement or disgust with entertainment. Ratings are very, very optional. A videogame can still remain in the gaming industry with mixed reviews and make a decent amount of money. Entertainment with fashion is more psychological and less philosophical. It’s more like poetry and casual mood of everyday romance. Now, sometimes I do question a Mario game. Sometimes I question a Sonic game. The Nintendo Switch exists for a variety of entertainment purposes. Maybe I really want to believe in a fantasy. I just have strings with reality also. Now, the Nintendo Switch is a console for more videogames than I can cover in a gaming console review. I must focus on “console” and not so much “games”. The Nintendo Switch is fairly efficient with minor concern of ergonomics. Of course, mobile gameplay does not always work; it depends on the game for the Nintendo Switch. The save feature for old videogames should really be vital for beginners of the retro gaming fashion. The Nintendo Switch is better than the Nintendo Entertainment System; the Nintendo Switch is modern, the Nintendo Entertainment System is vintage. The functions are pretty good with all the catch and humor of contact with the likes of entertainment and vanity. Once in a while, a Nintendo Switch feature is suspect to error, but it’s usually minor and pretty funny to laugh about from ignorance you see in the entertainment world. The Nintendo Switch is one of the best consoles now. The Nintendo Entertainment System is only nostalgia for historical entertainment and commonplace fashion. I am not a teacher. But, I give the Nintendo Switch a pretty high mark. Readers can consider my score and still have fun with the Nintendo Switch on those important moments of gaming and gameplay. I hope you guys have fun. Take care!

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