
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Del Taco's Buck & Under Menu Is Even More UnFreshing Believable


I feel a bit nauseated due to Starbucks' deals.
I mean, Starbucks keeps on selling grounds.
Maybe I don't care much for their milk in those coffee glass bottles.
Honestly, there needs to be chocolate.
Why am I working up a big one?
Of course, Charlie the Unicorn has to deal with a millipede that's like me.
Besides, Harry Potter needs vacations that are simply informal with no straight lines.
So food boy, where's the spectrum?  I mean, the spectrum to health food and wisdom.
Let's touch a tale-stone: perhaps Jules Verne with Facing the Flag needed more islands.
Right now I'm reading Round the Moon, 'round my head.
Stipulations of health food and monsters keep me covered as I wake for the masses.
I have a bag of Corn Nuts!  I like to get grains in as well as vegetables.
My dad seems so elusive to grains.
Here in Tehachapi, I can order fresh salsa tacos with healthy diced tomatoes and grilled chicken.
You can have your diet with fast-food places since basically there's even odds for good choices.
Do health fanatics know that McDonald's has jelly-jam?
Oh boy, I'm at work.
I ranted on Del Taco in the past via Google Reviews when in Sacramento.
Del Taco's workers in Sacramento were vindictive, but of course.
Right now I'm on a diet after gaining 12 pounds.
I mean, 12 human pounds, with a broken scale that tells me I weigh lighter than what I am.
Home Goods has good decorative items, but the Family Dollar store in Tehachapi?
Well, let's just say that cheapness is only food for so many products.
This photo is of one that grandly opened, special to the Sun News.
Joseph Clark basically advertised for the place.
Journalists may not realize their advertising power.
I have a Family Dollar store in Tehachapi, California, and their clocks and candles are run down.
So, why do low prices matter when you get low items?
Why not high prices for high items, or low prices for high items?
Pretty clocks should go with colors that ring out the wavy air of heavy nature to artificial lands.
Still, pleasure is a matter of recognition.
Subway has a good creamy Sriracha Sauce, by the way.
More flowers need to grow at Home Goods, as their advertising right now indicates cartoons.
Something happened to mirrors, something more than my face.
I mean, the readers have faces, that's true.
Our reflections seem to absorb more fog for exclusive times outside my understanding.
It's the spit of fashion.
So, Subway works for full lands.
My brother Evan is married to a barista, he worked with her.
Michael Savage tends to choose from so many morals with bigger pursuits besides marriage.
Around the bend, around the bend.
As readers know, I can't drive because ADD makes me want to spill a shaky sip.
I spend lots of time drinking things: AMP, H20, something Rocket, Peach Brandy, Strawberry Milk.
Doesn't it matter after this thought, or do I assume ownership with kind ones?
These are my diet confessions because diets game themselves over the spectrum and media.
This is from the Washington Post.
Man, this long picture shot just opens its gateway from the world out of its junk food.
Hello, up there!

Okay, now my language can be free as I tell people why diet foods can come from anywhere.
Some people have been leaving diet food programs for meal plans of fresh preparations.
I've been taking Starbucks to a new level.
In fact, McDonald's is a primary selection to add my taste-buds to the floor.
Imagine what people are told in spiritual programs about being powerless as addicts.
On the contrary, I prefer to dip the straw.
With my caffeine addiction, there's actually more empowerment for my personal dress codes.
No food is junk because, quite frankly, it's good to eat different things all the time.
More just happens for money.
While being random, I tickle gum.
So, turmeric colors, sugar alcohol?
Taco Bell really cooks with their Quesalupa!  I mean, really red meat makes me tired of toes.

Help, Help, Help, Help, Help, Help, Help, Help, Help!

En bolsas puedo ayudarte, "I can help you in a purse."
I think I did it again.
No, really.
I mean, spicy Corn Nuts?
I've gotta go to ampm!

The Coca-Cola company has been giving Diet Coke bottles wild colors that shine me through.
Right now, Mickey Mouse's face is gone off of my cup by my desk here.
I've been drinking water to ward off the excess amounts of soda from yesterday.
There's two free music radio stations from Big Bear Lake, just type on Google "Big Bear Radio."
Why do all of these singers and celebrities desire to remain our supposed rulers?
I'll be watching The Voice for voice teaching, since voice is related to dieting.


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