
Saturday, January 27, 2018

Wonder Woman, Life at the Ocean

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Wonder Woman, Life at the Ocean

Wonder Woman was flying in the sky with a mutant-like status all over those sunset clouds where purple rays of the sun tickled air.  Suddenly, a UFO from 20 miles away hit her with a kryptonite ray gun’s beams until these combinational rays of kryptonite and sea salt made her fall over Beach Shell Village. 

A small factory distilled below the sunset with vast equipment, including a seminary tank filled with 10,000 gallons of toothpaste.  Its stone-rock ceiling was suddenly torn to smithereens at a fractioned part and Wonder Woman fell into the green, minty toothpaste.

Movement rattled in this tunnel leading to quirky machines attached to an evil scientist’s lair, giving red-light alerts of the tank’s soaking process before silence greeted the invented metal.  Soon after, Wonder Woman started drinking the magical toothpaste, bit by bit, inside.

She squirmed and tried to hit the road (not that she was actually on a road) when the minty toothpaste loosened her up more and thickened her like a garden hose.  More green paste was entering her pie hole, making her as neat as Mike Tyson’s boxer gloves, churning her insides as if life at the ocean really mattered, yet Wonder Woman had no alternative but to feed and clean her grunted teeth.

Something was happening to her!

Well, you probably remember body inflation stories on the internet, so why duplicate the Average Joe’s story in my art?

At least Wonder Woman was illuminated in cleaning material in a tight space while she was built up like reduced fat, or rather, increased fat extending and actuating like some gorilla under stress.  She was getting her teeth clean!  Distress signals added onto her in a gel form when the paste tank stirred thousands of quarts to leak past her wisdom.

Chewing up the mint flavor, melted for the factory process of making divine cookies.  It was like a meeting with death!  The kind which increased her fortune in Beach Shell Village to the extreme and left her high and dry- still, Wonder Babe nourished with soaking white tides; there’s no need to tell you what you already know.

Just then, an evil scientist from that invading UFO treaded into the mechanical quarter to exchange functions on the Plasmic Tank, switched nozzles to turn Wonder Woman into a beautiful fish.  One mixed crowd of male and female laboratory workers carried Wonder Babe outside the glowing exit sign of the factory to the exaggerated coastline and shooed her towards the magnificent ocean.

At last!  Freedom! 

Wonder Whale, who went from woman to babe to a beautiful fish, waved goodbye to the friendly scientists, performed one of Shamu’s typical moves beneath the roaring, colorful waves.  She also handled one of those salutes you see in a 70’s disco hall, glad to survive the forced kryptonite beams, while drifting into the doomed Atlantic’s wide expanse.  And she lived happily ever after.


For a photo of "Wonder Whale", see this link:

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