
Monday, April 23, 2018

Album Review, “Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death” by Dead Kennedys

Album Review, “Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death” by Dead Kennedys

I’m going to have plain English with my audience here unlike what the Dead Kennedys would give in this album.  Try to picture that scene in the movie “Airplane” where a guitar-playing nun tries to make listeners sick and realize the Dead Kennedys here would go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, until you’ve been sick more than a million times.  A song on this heavy-metal album is a track which indicates hatred of life and materialism like the rest of the music selections.  Apparently, the Dead Kennedys think convenience is better than liberty.  While it may be true that I’m able to feel my stomach well during my session of tune-in to the album, everything, including the little tidbits that are excused as business greed, makes art seem like the unapproachable side of life for which criminals and maniacs are less than happy in beautiful dispute.  This statement is especially true if you’re into sounds without all the logic and stuff.  Confusion is guaranteed with this garbage.  Maybe you’ve been following along in this review from the casual study and I clap for better performances.  The Dead Kennedys only sense power here.  What’s the problem with them?  It’s like they just can’t wrap around the fact there’s difference between correction and forced error and so they distinguish themselves in corruption, even if it means convenience gives off less in terms of allowance compared to self-destruction.  Honestly, I got sick quick.  I was hoping to listen to some good 80’s music but instead I’m left with 80’s drudge and dysfunctional humor.  Horror is taken by context throughout this heavy-metal compilation until there’s no goal for even the boundaries to show up at.  Excuse me if I seem disappointed guys, really disappointed.  Rollercoaster rides are relevant to the Dead Kennedys for this work of art (or business, or underwear) because sometimes we’re rushed into life’s noise just as we’re approaching the climax towards liberty and convenience.  But the Dead Kennedys just seem to only allow for convenience!  Mark after mark, mote for mote, they’re pretty much a tease, another clown group who can’t afford a car in their own minds.  After all, with so much pressure of being a business man and being tangled with the destiny of making money, any liberal function just seems to be a disorder to them.  Vulgarity and arrogance are at work here: they don’t know what they’re doing, at all, whatsoever.  However the strong band moves towards impossibilities has to do with their self-hypnosis tricks.  Excessive sounds here suggest bad temper, foul play, and gross metaphors.  Who knows?  Somebody has to have a really good feeling in the stomach; that’s because wild animals have that benefit of caressing their insides from the use of voice and lip-to-mouth humming from moments on end although dignity for the Dead Kennedys is about as good as maggots.  “Maggots” is a religious term used to describe someone who thinks that everything you know is wrong and an artistic individual with such mentality can remark on morals but his or her general rights of speech are showy.  And my answer to the Dead Kennedys is complex yet intrusive- if you’re going to make people sick on purpose no matter how right plain English is to be, perhaps you need to taste more than fear.  By the way, why taste fear if there’s no logic behind it?  Such flavor resembles romance but there’s not enough virtue and morality to prove the poetry. 

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