
Sunday, December 25, 2022

Photo, “Recipe Tender (Vintage Recipe Box)”


Photo, “Recipe Tender (Vintage Recipe Box)”

Do you know what a “recipe box” is? A recipe box is a box for recipes. You can write a recipe. Or, you can type a recipe. Or, you can print a recipe. You can write a recipe by pen, pencil, or printer ink. A recipe box is for recipes. Here, in my photo, you can see a yellow box. It’s a yellow recipe box. And, the recipe box is called “RECIPE TENDER” or “recipe tender”. What does “recipe tender” mean? I am not sure. The name “recipe tender” can be a name for the yellow recipe box. Or, the name “recipe tender” can be a name for the kitchen cook’s act of cooking. The history of this box is beyond my exact understanding. My grandma’s recipes are in this yellow “recipe tender” box. My mom was the keeper of this yellow recipe tender box until the day of her passing from a heart attack. Honestly, my mom was collecting too many recipe cards over the years. You put the recipe cards into the recipe box; and, you pull out a recipe card from the recipe box for cooking specific food. “Recipe tender” can also be a name for the act of pulling out a recipe card. The word “tender” was a word from Elvis’s language in his rock music. So, this “tender” word goes back to the Golden Oldies Age of music, and, maybe even earlier than 1940s jazz. My educated guess must be seen here. Right now, I am trying to be an accurate historian for my own family; unfortunately, my grandparents were going through divorces and families were breaking apart from the past of scarcity to food and comfort. During vacations from around the world my grandparents would often only eat at McDonald’s or Burger King. “Strange” food of any kind was out of reach of their traditional desires. Even at hotels, my grandparents would often just cook their own meals in their own hotel rooms; they would bring cans of food for preparing and cooking in a hotel room, and, milk was made from powder form. My grandma believed that chocolate chip pancakes were the Devil. Of course, I do not believe my grandma. I eat food from everywhere and I love eating anything. My grandpa and grandma had very strange beliefs. They also believed that jeans were evil; Elvis was singing and rocking and rolling with very “hot” music, and, Elvis offended my grandma for years. I do not really know why. Elvis was very traditional himself. Rock music was always new because nobody in the past had radios and electronics for music. I find this “grandma” stuff to be very strange indeed. Anyways, you now see a picture of the RECIPE TENDER recipe box. I do not know who made the recipe box. I do not know when the recipe box was made. All I see is the name “RECIPE TENDER” and a price sticker for $2.25 (or, 2 dollars and 25 cents). My grandma’s recipe box is too old for research, too old for search, and too old for history. Maybe the “recipe tender” recipe box was an influence from Europe. Europe did have languages for “tender” items. Who knows? I would be lucky if people can see my photo with any amusement for the past. History does have every shade you can record from the past. “Past” and “history” are very different words in the English language.

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