
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Poem- “Theology and Poetry”

“Theology and Poetry”

As a philosopher, I have some interest for Theology.

Theology is academic discipline for religions in general.

We get so much meaning from the subject.

Creation is so important for all of us.

Of course, for Theology, general academics is a requirement.

That includes language for grammar and spelling.

Sometimes I go into a church and see grapes and water.

In this church, the preachers give correct quotes and Biblical information.

Theology is at work in this church.

Sometimes I go into another church and see donuts and coffee.

In that church, the preachers give quotes with grammar errors.

They really believe in God.

But, spelling is difficult for them.

Their Biblical information looks like free verse with visible scratches.

And, in that church, Star Wars jokes are common and they don’t fix much.

Is this Theology?

I am not a theologian.

But, I’m sure that spelling the Word of God correctly is necessary.

The preachers in that church can be pretty funny and awkward.

However, their meeting is more like Poetry and less like Theology.

A theologian with concern would be very careful with Biblical grammar.

The Bible has very meaningful grammar and context.

I enjoy reading the Bible at my own hobby of it.

Poetry is the academic subject for so much romanticism and humor.

Theology is more technical than Poetry with spiritual linguistics.

I still go to church and have a good laugh.

Of course, when worship is done, I must be careful.

I’m still a Christian and I have so much knowledge from religious history.

Ancient writers of the Bible would be very careful with spelling.

Eating donuts and joking about grammar is funny.

But that’s really behavior we would expect from a poetry center building.

Theology is different.

Depending on religion, free verse and loose grammar may not be an option.

A theologian would have interest in traditional poetry with organization.

My free verse does not have so much organization.

That’s because I’m a poet, not a theologian.

I must play my role for living.

Not everybody can afford to lecture and debate about Earth much.

Religion gets very time-consuming.

Which grammar books should we consider?

How does spelling impact faith in God?

It depends.

On one hand, words are just words and we should be flexible.

On the other hand, any academic discipline requires organization of text.

Spelling and grammar are always important.

For the Word of God, I have much respect.

I can be a witness with reading and writing according to the right.

But, I must discover my right from observation and critical thinking.

The difference between “it’s” and “its” is not important for free verse poetry.

And, yet, this difference really matters for Theology.

Theology does get very technical with words.

Poetry is more likely to be carefree literature.

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