
Monday, August 7, 2023

Poem- “My Homeless Friends”

“My Homeless Friends”

Nobody needs to be “paid” to tell the truth.

I do not need to be “paid” to tell the truth.

You do not need to be “paid” to tell the truth.

We do not need to be “paid” to tell the truth.

Nobody needs to be “paid” to tell the truth.

Does my poem hurt the feelings of greedy people?

Okay, fine.

I will tell the truth without money.

I hope they regret this poem.

Nobody should be greedy anyway.

Greedy people always need money to tell the truth.

They cannot go without money for the truth.

They always need money for the truth.


Well, I am not greedy.

Do not even say that my free poem is a luxury.

I love the truth and I want to be poor for it.

I’m sorry if people need so much money for the truth.

If they really need the truth, they should embrace the homeless and drop it.

That’s not my fault.

I hug homeless people all the time.

I give cheeseburgers to beggars.

I donate crayons to a church.

I have conversations in restaurants with miserable lovers and unfortunate souls.

I help old people turn on their stupid machines.

I spend the night with vagabonds and let them play my video games.

I give immigrants their favorite candy and hold their soft hands.

I hike in the dusty fields with forgotten soldiers of war for hours and talk.

I am already worthy.

If you have problems, that’s your fault.

Maybe you need less money and more personality.

And, remember…

“More money” does not mean “more personality” and such.

People will have money for ignorance of themselves.

With so much ignorance, how do you even know what money is?

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