
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Rural Photography in Central California- "Tierra Fresca"

"Tierra Fresca" by GameUniverso

This is a street view of a rural city somewhere in Central California.
Some of these streets, although there's houses, are actually public even if they look like something from a horror movie about aliens.
It's the public's credit as well as mine; nature can be so beautiful and spread out to its values.  Cartoonish style is profound, yet our magnetism for it proceeds on values.
A few streets in my city are basically dirt blocks which may resemble personal space when in fact they're universal space for the locals.
I've seen a photographer here and there.  Do I have a degree in photography?  No; I learn from practice, internet, and real-life encounters.
Many works of mine are specific to my imaginary biases.
Freedom of speech means showing others what you've got within reasoned jurisprudence as opposed to hiding in public while in the... well, public.
Look at my digital paintings on objects that deserve magnificence of attention.
Tennis and golf are on my radar because sports matter in spiritual effects.  Maybe I can take sports photos.  I've taken wrestling photos of Rhino in the past and Nascar has had a great victory lap of looping in Las Vegas with an amateur winner in the advertised end.  Why not have fun?  I smell biscuits somewhere in my own head.

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