
Saturday, September 4, 2021

Videogame Review, Final Fantasy VII Remake for the Playstation 4 (PS4)

Videogame Review, Final Fantasy VII Remake for the Playstation 4 (PS4)

It’s a cliche with the fault of management error.  When I use 2 potions, only 1 potion works, or, 2 potions work, at times.  Attacking enemies is a struggle for partial images of combat.  By fighting enemies, I expect to “see” the enemies.  But I don’t really “see” the enemies as I should.  This is a Final Fantasy game that’s bad for beginners.  From this point in my review I should tell you that I’m mostly a newcomer and don’t understand exactly where this game is going.  You get dramatic effects; however, you’re probably imagining more than what the game really gives to you.  It’s difficult to tell if this PS4 game is a retro treatment or a modern interpretation.  You’ll see in the options menu some choices of gameplay.  It can be easy or it can be hard.  What I’m really interested in is getting to know what on Earth the characters are talking about.  The PS4 game does stand as a unique point in the Final Fantasy series.  That can be a problem!  Characters from time to time will burst out orders with language I don’t speak.  If I don’t speak the language, I can’t exactly use the force of knowledge and wisdom in combat.  The game’s descriptions of a “hero” are vague.  We’re dealing with characters who have flaws of personality.  Maybe, for the game, the programmers go through emotional problems of their own.  This is likely to be the case.  Once again, the PS4 controller does have specifics that don’t go well with support and item management.  Most video game reviewers for this PS4 game have the same problems even if they use vocabulary to look nerdy and original.  Some reviewers don’t talk about the graphics and just focus on gameplay.  That’s a mistake.  For the matter of speaking about it, the graphics make an impact on gameplay and enemies don’t really have the “looks” of damage and conflict.  My PS4 video game console does provide me with high definition video.  However, from the high definition video, I still have problems of collision detection and my shots often reveal mysterious visuals that don’t amount to physical activity under the game’s vision of fantasy.  Let’s say my character uses a weapon.  From whatever character I may choose, I do get a weapon and some variety of attack options.  But my character’s weapon is missing conditions and weather on many important moments of fighting.  The best video for the PS4 game is usually the movie scenes; once you get into battle, the grounds shake with uneven qualities.  It’s like a pizza with 3 pizza slices with missing toppings or few pizza toppings.  A battle in the Final Fantasy game can look like an order from Pizza Hut.  Keep in mind that I love Pizza Hut and I see no reason to ignore the Final Fantasy game.  In fact, at times, when I want to pay attention, and, when I need to pay attention, there’s little to no video for particular effects.  I’ve played many PS4 games on my PS4 console that are small projects, or, “unpopular” games and the unpopular games do a much, much better job at depth and graphics.  Final Fantasy VII Remake is a big hole and I’m not sure why gamers have been jumping into the hole for years.  Okay, so it’s a long game.  Big deal!  I can sleep every day of the week.  But it’s a fighting game with drama and theater.  Some characters are rough; some characters are dull.  Like I’ve said, it’s a cliche.  Players need more than fashion for a game’s quality performance where I’m not seeing it.  A potion needs to work when I need it.  Or else, I’m just going to let this one slide.

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