
Thursday, September 9, 2021

Videogame Review, Pokemon Yellow Version for the Game Boy Color (w/ Nintendo 2DS)

Videogame Review, Pokemon Yellow Version for the Game Boy Color (w/ Nintendo 2DS)

Something was happening with all this “color”.  Children were really getting into views, for wonder and oddity.  A Pokemon game is about battling monsters.  In a way (if you think about it) Pokemon fans really want to beat up Pikachu and thus “yellow” comes along.  The color yellow can mean so many things; in fact, from a historical perspective, I think the color yellow means too many things.  Don’t believe me?  Okay.  Think of all the yellow you’ve ever seen in video games.  At best, yellow is chaotic; at worst, yellow is meaningless.  A historian like me has the original misfortune of being grave.  Most historians are very grave.  On one hand, you get the fashionista who jumps for joy on every occasion; on the other hand, you get the historian who sinks in rage until magic disappears from examining attitude.  Pokemon Yellow used to be the best technology for Pokemon.  Is that true today?  No, of course not.  Many young players of video games would hear me out about Pokemon Yellow and think I’m mean.  Why?  Because Pokemon Yellow is old.  We’ve seen some great improvements in Pokemon over the years.  Now, even giving reference to Pokemon Yellow can seem like a bad joke to modern snobs.  They may start thinking, “Oh, it’s just some old game from the past.  Nobody plays this stuff anymore.”  Of course, they’re wrong.  My Nintendo 2DS is a pretty recent device of modern technology.  It’s just the Game Boy Color game that’s questionable.  Is the game worth playing?  Well, it depends on how you want to look at it.  It’s “old” glitter at this point in history.  You definitely don’t want to play Pokemon Yellow if you’ve already played Pokemon Red or Pokemon Blue.  (There!  That saves some people about 50 hours.)  Pokemon Yellow used to be the best technology for Pokemon industry.  Now, at this point in history, Pokemon Yellow generally just serves a purpose.  The vanity, craft, and extremes of Pokemon Yellow have changed or even, just even, have disappeared.  Pokemon Yellow wasn’t homework.  Sure, Pokemon Yellow did seem like “homework” to a lot of children in my childhood.  That’s a rotten tomato.  What Pokemon Yellow did accomplish was completely optional.  Kids didn’t really need Pokemon Yellow.  They just really, really wanted it very, very badly.  At least the game is long.  But, since it’s a long game, and, since it’s an old game, most players probably won’t be that interested.  I understand.  How could a modern Pokemon fan look at Pokemon Yellow, play Pokemon Yellow, and “enjoy it” at all?  Enjoyment for Pokemon Yellow today is often post-Gameboy.  Back in my day, this was the real deal!  There wasn’t much else out there at Target and other video game stores.  Right now, I remember Father’s Day and Nintendo 64 video game console sales.  When did those N64 sales happen?  I don’t know.  That’s a myth now!  It’s like a rumor about pointless popcorn and dirty soda.  Pokemon Yellow does have good gameplay.  The potions work as they should.  Somebody else might have a different experience with the Nintendo 2DS.  It’s a Gameboy Color game on a Nintendo 2DS portable.  I’m not a coward.  That is, I’m not “yellow”.  But yellow can be nice.

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