
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Wimps of Zelda

These videogame journalists say that Zelda is too ambitious.

No, I'm not kidding.

Apparently, Nintendo has had so much ambition that it bothers the poor journalists.
I'll bet you, if anything, that they think Trump, Napoleon, Caesar, and Aristotle are too ambitious.

The videogame journalism comes from a group called "The Know".
How do they think they know?  Well, it'd be good to classify the rumors.
It's a group in vanity who make stuff up.

I've also heard plenty of other haters.
Sometimes a smile isn't a gate, but rather a barrier.
Arrogance isn't always coarse.

Still, there's the question of a programmer's ambition when it comes to the videogame industry.
Is it wise for Nintendo to be so ambitious that it takes them a long time to release any game?
Well, it seems to me that Nintendo rushed the Wii.

I've been playing with my Atari 5200 Super System.
It's old, but Pac-Man ages like fine wine.

But there's time versus passion when it comes to new ideas.
Personally, videogame companies have not used enough new language.
What happens when a person avoids creating new ideas is that art becomes a medium of capitalism.

A person can be a new idea.

If money is tight, you won't stay loose.
AMP is a troublesome critic over the Playstation Virtual Reality.
I've seen AMP as a blogger for my Galaxy S7, but dad's Windows 7 can't pick them up.
Although the internet is a variable source, stability of data is requisite to comprehension.
I feel like telling AMP, "Look here jerkwad, your sympathy is showy with a vengeance."

Image result for AMP

I Drink This AMP!

Just getting to the point of my videogame thesis, that's all.
Nintendo's ambitions serve well until they die of starvation.
A programmer can be an artist with too much thirst.
When a gamer dies, his or her creativity goes with that angel to space.

This drawing is by Sarah Meadows.
I believe it's from her.
Try to tell this artist that Zelda is too ambitious!

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