
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Videogame Review, Maboshi’s Arcade for the Nintendo Wii (Wiiware and Wii Remote)

Videogame Review, Maboshi’s Arcade for the Nintendo Wii (Wiiware and Wii Remote)

A hidden gem like this one needs a perceptible explanation.  3 shapes- Square, Bar, and Circle- allow for some intense gameplay through use of either A button only or direction pad only.  You control each shape separately to wipe out troublemaking figures who float around and cause mayhem and geometric destruction.  The shapes are cute and fine in design for each gameplay session as I take my rounds for the Nintendo Wii’s efficient means of replay.  Whether it’s a square, or a bar, or a circle, you’ll find intense arcade action as points bloom into the picture in Asian visual style.  Wooden panels fill each window from moments on end as the boot fits: ultimate score, high score, or something more or less for show.  Enemies take on brilliant, well-defined shapes.  There’s also obstacles in the way like bombs or swinging pendulums depending on the shape-mode chosen.  Getting my square trapped in a corner by accident is a humorous loss I’m more than willing to make up for in the future.  A million points?  Well, that’s a technical theory.  Figures/shapes transform the space in their dimensions as 2D and 3D become confused into one messy, intense bunch.  Of course I’m really acquainted with a mess like this.  Imagine if I took Tetris and squeezed the parts in divided and united forms: that’s Maboshi’s Arcade.  Hey, if we could play Tetris then we could certainly play Maboshi.  But don’t walk off thinking I’m referring to something which totals into perfect virtue; it can be argued that Maboshi’s Arcade is filled with the right proportions of flaw and appeal to present gamers with unique, old-fashioned puzzle/action games.  Some of the “flaws” are just those characteristics people who love video games enjoy trashing out of spite even if I’m sure Nintendo and other companies can turn that trash into gold.  Waste, trash, can be figured into another scope of imagination until beauty withholds the flaws into submission of nice errors.  The swinging pendulums are made out of wood except for the Bar.  Asian people most definitely prefer wooden things to metal as the peace is realized under the deep, blue sky around them.  Now the last sentence may seem simple but it’s taken me years to even understand language enough to form my idea.  Writing good reviews isn’t exactly a cheap hobby- as time goes on in our lives we have to dig into books and classes and art gradually to build ourselves up to literary or bookish expressions.  And living up to healthy nutritional standards is vital.  Maboshi’s Arcade is more about evasion and attack than obvious demolishment.  If you like odd action/puzzle games like Qix or Sega Swirl give Maboshi a try.  No… it’s so addicting… play it enough!…

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