
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Poem- “The Creation”

“The Creation”

A lie in the form of entertainment rests within
means of dissolution towards art by
magnificence, or, some imaginary creation on hold
as long as thought pulls action in from external
and internal possession.  And, on cue to
fascination, audiences worldwide keep themselves upon
a question that preys on their doubts- how could
beauty go this way?  But of course a member’s
disposition at a theater is related to happenings
of the deep like psychology towards stealth; as such,
even keeping a promise is worth a liar’s disobedience of
factual understanding.

I’m starting to understand why you continue pardon for
the exhibition as it stands- more thoroughly, even truth
is said by us over matters related to the animal kingdom,
instinct to knowledge as opinions get the handle on
exaggeration where a guy’s promise is facelifted towards
the light on permissible sounds.  Just what exactly
is “sound” anyway?  Phrases can resemble allowance, a freak
of nature based on vocal expression (the roar, the whisper)
from someone’s throat or hole for consumption.  By saying
something like this I’m actually its consumer within reason
for your tricks over the audience.

Exhibitions begin and terminate across the universe only
where we stand corrected, answers from rebuttal, given that
a guess works its way around the edge towards foreseeable
futures; in fact, those arts in exaggeration function along the side
between its reflections over the matters lived on, the events
spoken of and forgotten within the disciplinary realms we’ve 
fantasized on enough to claim truths on.  Out of bounds for glory
there’s another reason at its seat against our notion for time/space
continuums.  By remarking there’s forgotten event, by ignoring
there’s forgotten patience.  Clues arrive at our feet where measurements
are taken within a ruler’s grasp that we call unlived, unanimated,
dramatic as it is for darkness that’s re-coordinated by social
feat, something along the lines where functions work by nature’s
forced errors or even the conclusion we have at work, back to work

or forgotten again when the alarm bell hits us.

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