
Saturday, July 9, 2022

Poem- “Free Stuff on Computers and Smartphones”

“Free Stuff on Computers and Smartphones”

You walk into a supermarket.

There’s a calculator for sale.

There’s a baby record for sale.

There’s a notepad for sale.

There’s a calendar for sale.

There’s a portfolio for sale.

There’s a map for sale.

So on, and, so on.

Do you need to “buy” them?

Well, only if you need to buy them.

You can also leave the supermarket and keep your money.

No, I do not mean “save money”.

I mean “do not spend money”.

Now, let’s consider something else.

You need to buy a computer.

Or, you need to buy a smartphone.

The computer “on sale” includes calculator, notepad, portfolio, etc.

The smartphone “on sale” includes calculator, notepad, portfolio, etc.

You probably need to buy a computer for other reasons.

You probably need to buy a smartphone for other reasons.

Here’s my question:

Can you refuse a “calculator” from your computer and keep more money?

Can you refuse a “notepad” from your smartphone and keep more money?

Can you refuse a “calendar” from your computer and keep more money?

Can you refuse a “map” from your smartphone and keep more money?

The answer is:


You cannot.

To buy a computer, or, to buy a smartphone, you pay for “everything”.

You pay for a calendar, you pay for a notepad, you pay for a map, etc.

It does not matter who you are.

You pay for “everything” on the computer and smartphone.

You can refuse a calculator in a supermarket and keep your money.

But, when you “buy” a computer, the calculator is always there.

The calculator on your computer or smartphone is free.

But, when you pay for a computer or smartphone, you pay for the calculator.

You cannot refuse the calculator.

The calculator is always there.

Why do I need a calculator on my computer?

Maybe I already “have it in my head” to solve every math problem.

But, the calculator is always there; so, it’s always in the computer price.

That’s the flaw of computers and smartphones.

Even when you’re a very simple person, you pay for all data.

You pay for all data no matter how simple you are.

What happens if you do not read maps?

What happens if you do not use portfolios?

What happens if you do not use “academic paper” on your computer?

It doesn’t matter.

You need to pay for “everything”.

The basics are not so voluntary.

Even if you do not “write notes”, you still pay for “notes” on a computer.

You can never return those notes for a better price on the computer.

Do you always purchase “notes” at a supermarket?

No, of course not.

You’re probably shopping for bananas and medicine.

You will only buy notes from a supermarket when you need them.

When you “buy” a computer, you will never say,

“I’m paying money for spreadsheets and calculators.”

But, when you buy a computer, that’s exactly what you’re doing.

You’re buying a computer.

But, you’re also buying spreadsheets and calculators.

Why do people not know this already?

Because, the retail workers do not tell them.

People often just buy this stuff.

And, some people do not even know there’s a “calculator” on a computer.

But, they pay for a calculator.

They pay for it.

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