
Monday, November 19, 2018

Videogame Review, Sonic the Fighters for the PS3 (or PS Now)

Videogame Review, Sonic the Fighters for the PS3 (or PS Now)

This is a favorite game of mine off PS Now.  You’ll come across worlds where Sonic and his friends gather around for rounds of conflict at each other prior to an immediate rocket ride into space.  Now, I’m not going to just say what other people are saying to excuse myself from hard work in reviewing this glittering, resourceful masterpiece.  Each fight is what I like: short, sweet, and simple.  We won’t have to look at paint dry, we won’t have to watch grass grow, and we won’t have to sit like rag dolls.  Action is pumped up here and there on matches given to a rapid pace into Sonic’s ever-growing world of velocity, necessity pointed out in shifting goals related to gems overtaken by chaos thanks to Robotnik’s launch over the stars.  Tails in this 3D parody looks tough and quite scary as he should be for being Sonic’s one and trusted repair guy hanging on a boat for his own canyon trip.  Controls?  Well, they’re brilliant actually.  I can scale up on exchanged time schedules between bouts and graduate in flying colors, literally.  Each world is built up of colors which magnify the focus of conflict through relations imagined towards bright sparks and dark flavors in the PS4’s soothing, comforting presentation.  Yes, we’re actually reading something with my lines and not falling flat over obvious ideas.  I’ve heard critics on the internet call Sonic the Fighters a “button masher” although I suspect this theory is exaggerated on in absence of logic; in particular, critics often dwell on their irritations and give excuses about other people for relaxation.  People can avoid beauty through drama on their part because we can still be a part of the beauty while in denial of it.  As a critic, I find this circumstance interesting to say the least.  Never mind the green, the blue, the white, the neon, the bridges, the watery tides, the Fang’s silly gun pellets, for just a moment… are we searching through the graphics or looking at the graphics?  There’s going to be conflict in a fighting game of this nature.  Fictional worlds need reckoning on as players find their hearts at such ease for highly defined television light.  Here, I can look at the graphics all day since the visuals add up to momentum shifting on pleasure levels engineered on Sega’s permission for vision, taken as lightly by a normal guy who pardons Sonic like all the rest with no excuse for limits in reasoning.  Just look at Bark’s polar dimension!  Bark himself is totally the boxer type who appears comfortable in his figure on throwing a few punches against the quick, exciting clock.  Sonic the Fighters provides the spontaneous feel of a quick fighting machine and doesn’t lack the entertainment proven on key skills among shields and toss-and-turn conundrums.  Highly recommended.

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