
Sunday, July 17, 2022

Poem- “Literature and Chat”

“Literature and Chat”

Remember normal people?

Their “sense” of writing and literature is really for texting and chat.

It’s not occupational.

Writing and literature get done in a professional manner.

Texting and chat get done in a familiar mood.

Professional manner is scholastic focus.

Familiar mood is personal exhaust.

When someone’s “philosophy” contains bad grammar, it’s false.

No philosopher will ever use bad grammar.

Bad grammar includes the following:

Extra spaces, missing letters, singular ink, popular mistakes, common sense, view problems, bugs and errors, messy voice, unofficial context, print issues, reading difficulty, unspeakable wording, false sounds, overestimation, underestimation, non-character styles, odd spacing, illogical organization, regular acceptance of flaws, weak borders, dumb rules, broken tabs, unnecessary indents, falling columns, damaged goods, out-of-body paragraphs, lame pagination, excessive breaks, fake styles, disorderly hyphenation, overextending tables of language, freshless charts, morbid syntax, workless media, lazy comments, wild zooms, painful reading, views of chances to eyesight, aging format, binging documents, and malfunctioning share.

My poem should be a helpful list for unlearning visionary dispute.

You need dispute for literacy with strangers.

But, with my list, most errors of writing will be gone with firm practice.

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