
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Parody- “The Dream at Noon”

“The Dream at Noon”
I’ve had a strange dream.  The vision began in an ordinary home which revealed a huge theater movie screen with a silver label and an unrealistic, fictional video game system was running a version of Donkey Kong Jr. created in 1976- I played the video game a little, then went to play an included movie that showcased a fat, pink lady with an umbrella walking indoors to a dramatic house club.  Everything looked beautiful!  Then, after having viewed the included movie enough, I took my black joystick controller over to a porch near my “house” and let my device transform into a handy, giant camera filmed with Kodachrome.  My camera was a joystick but it flashed brightly against the glowing faces close to a wedding party taking place under the sunshine where a big, pink wedding cake reminded my mom and middle cousin to bring awareness at a table filled with dinner of pasta, exquisite red sauce, and God’s light reaching into the heavens.  Our time wasn’t then set in 1976; to be honest, the wedding ceremony was happening in 2001 and my mom gleamed with surprise as my joystick transformed from a curious black item to a colossal alien of a camera, my hands grasping around the edges to said device at my wildly surprised facial expression.  Some guests were quartered on a wooden deck towards my porch and the backyard glowed with a kind of eternal life.  Keep in mind that I was sleeping while this dream got in my head: it was around noon in the day when I was sleeping, but I couldn’t have known when my brain started activating the fantasy before my brow, and, now I’m wondering if my whole head should be considered one brow above darkness.  A pillow and some covers kept my head in gear during sleep.  At times I’ll call a moment in time “morning” when I just mean to say that I’ve woken up.  Buttons were laid all over my video game system in the dream- it was made by Duro (which doesn’t exist in real life) and came packaged with features similar to those of Star Trek devices, yet the dream flowed in me like a hairy cloud deepening into the confused mists of time.  Call this “video game fantasy” if you will.  The fat lady stepped up to a dormant area near the closet in pink slippers and returned her gaze to an approaching monkey named Donkey Kong Jr.  My field of vision was most certainly confused!  At least the movie theater screen was big enough for a dramatic vision to cover the film’s semi-red animation transferring into the fat lady scene.  She had round, googly eyes, kind of like an investigator’s visiting team member on Inspector Gadget’s revision of chances.  The whole background faded to pink in the sweet, alluring movie clip and my video game machine ran it as an option to Donkey Kong Jr.’s failed leap into the wild under black skies.  And, the wedding guests were lovely ladies and domestic gentlemen huddled up together as a bunch in nothing except silence and light voices, including my excited, wild voice at the camera for a soothing experience.  This was obviously schizophrenia- Nintendo never made such a machine in 1976.  But the dream, or video game fantasy, tells me now that my mind is stuffed in nooks and crannies to ideal data along the edge of a great invention for revelation.  Not to mention I also dreamed of being a Fraggle toy over 6 months ago and imagined my dad wanting to kill me.  Strange, odd illusions!  Very strange…

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