
Saturday, January 8, 2022

Videogame Review, Pac-Man for the Nintendo Gameboy (w/ Super Gameboy, Super Nintendo, and Fighter Stick SN)

Videogame Review, Pac-Man for the Nintendo Gameboy (w/ Super Gameboy, Super Nintendo, and Fighter Stick SN)

Pac-Man is a chicken who eats blue spirits.  Are you a chicken?  Well, I’m hungry.  That’s why I’m not a pig.  Pac-Man is a pig.  Pac-Man is a chicken.  Pac-Man is a hungry pizza slice.  Pac-Man is a blind circle shape.  You “know” the drill.  Or, do you?  This is a Pac-Man game for the Gameboy.  And, I’m playing this Gameboy game on the Super Nintendo video game console with the Super Gameboy accessory.  The Super Gameboy accessory is a secondary console for Gameboy games.  The Super Nintendo acts as the 1st console and the Super Gameboy acts as the 2nd console.  Don’t worry!  You don’t need another electric plug for the Super Gameboy.  The Super Gameboy is a Super Nintendo game with no game inside until you insert a Gameboy game.  I hope I’m explaining this complicated process a little better with my extra details of information and reviewing practice.  The Fighter Stick SN is a Super Nintendo controller.  I can use a Super Nintendo controller for the Super Gameboy.  It’s very important!  Pac-Man becomes a dramatic improvement with the Super Gameboy.  I like to call this Gameboy game “Neon Pac-Man”.  It’s really neon when you choose the neon colors.  Do you want Pac-Man to be blue?  Do you want Pac-Man to be green?  Do you want Pac-Man to be some mysterious color?  Well, for the Super Gameboy, Pac-Man is a very futuristic game.  The Fighter Stick SN is a Super Nintendo controller.  It’s a joystick with buttons.  Pac-Man is not a shooting guy.  Pac-Man is a chase for the food of the gods.  You know this!  You see ghosts.  You see ghosts on TV.  Well, you cannot have a world with only ghosts and no gods.  If anything, ghosts exist because of gods.  Of course Pac-Man is fiction, silly!  And, yet, it’s an important symbol of real time with video games.  “Life is but a dream” as the saying goes.  The Fighter Stick SN is a very good controller for Pac-Man on the Gameboy.  It’s quite slippery and very gentle on the hands with powerful effect of humor.  You can call this “joy” with controls.  Joy depends somewhat on your game of choice.  Keep in mind that choice is the limit where all the rage is possible.  Do not break your TV.  TV is expensive.  Even today, with “new” TVs, TV is expensive.  I’m playing Pac-Man on an “old” TV that’s brand new for nostalgia and original performance.  It’s all very colorful and wonderful.  Sometimes you get a negligible bug.  Sometimes you get a bug.  The bug causes Pac-Man to go through ghosts at least once every 200 times.  Obviously, I’m exaggerating.  But it’s my senses speaking.  You know that Pac-Man is sexy; however, Pac-Man is only sexy in his own universe.  No woman today wants to kiss Pac-Man.  Most women do not kiss “old men”.  So, most women do not kiss Pac-Man.  Pac-Man is old.  Pac-Man is so old!  It’s really quite sad.  Pac-Man can eat female ghosts, I’m sure.  Pac-Man can eat the most disgusting fruit and live to tell us all about it.  Pac-Man is on a serious, serious diet!  He keeps eating and he never gets BIGGER!!!  Okay, I’m exaggerating, again.  He actually does get bigger during a movie-like scene.  Imagine that!  Pac-Man is experiencing body inflation and that particular ghost runs away with a swirly frown.  Pac-Man’s mom is probably really fat.  The Super Gameboy graphics mostly work well; however, a few colors may cause the high score of points to decrease of visibility with “old” TV light.  I can stop eating.  However, Pac-Man cannot stop eating.  He keeps going, and going, and… no, wait!  He keeps eating and eating and eating.  All Pac-Man does is eat!  Pac-Man eats to run away; Pac-Man eats to attack.  Pac-Man even eats when there’s no food around him.  He just can’t… possibly… stop… EATING!  Someday, Pac-Man is going to POP and explode his fruits out.  Yes, he’s that damn hungry.

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