
Friday, September 15, 2023

Poem- “Needs and Desires”

“Needs and Desires”

For most life, rich people will be greedy.

For most life, poor people will not be so greedy.

Rich people have money and will eventually be greedy.

Poor people do not have enough money and they will not likely be greedy.

Rich people can afford greed because they still get what they need.

Poor people cannot afford greed because they will lose their food and water.

When poor people can really lose their food and water, they are not greedy.

When rich people can abuse property and still get food and water, they are greedy.

For this reason, homeless people are never greedy.

However, rich people will get greedy in some way, shape, or form of ownership.

Sometimes, poor people can be greedy, but that’s very rare.

It’s usually the rich people who are greedy.

Poor people do not have everything they need and they suffer.

Greed is impossible in that level of poverty.

Rich people get everything they need and they still keep getting more property.

The rest of their property is extra and their ambition for extra property is greed.

Yes, my poem covers greedy comments such as:

“I will eat and stuff myself to make myself happy without shame.” (False politics.)

“I do not want to talk to homeless people.” (False social behavior.)

“I am afraid of giving a homeless person a free cheeseburger.” (False consumerism.)

“Poor people can always work hard and escape from poverty.” (False history.)

“You just need to love poor people and they will always feel better.” (False benefits.)

“We need to just leave the homeless alone and pray for them.” (False nature.)

“You will always be successful if you work.” (False goals.)

“People are always lazy if they do not get enough of what they need.” (False ignorance.)

“I do not care about what somebody’s poem says about society.” (False custom.)

“My family history will erase shame from everybody’s lives.” (False affectation.)

“Imagination makes everything better for a person’s pleasure.” (False personality.)

“Being successful in life is easy.” (False power.)

“You can dream and be anything you want to be.” (False method.)

“It’s always possible to get everything you need.” (False geography.)

“Food is always a pleasure and we need it for desire.” (False grace.)

“I need enough food to make myself beautiful.” (False appearance.)

“God is fat. God is really big.” (False awareness.)

“We do not need ants in the house.” (False environmentalism.)

“People can always go somewhere else to get food.” (False travel.)

“Obesity does not impact fitness.” (False nutrition.)

“Hunger is a wonderful story in Africa.” (False communication.)

“Sweetness makes the hungry children look more adorable.” (False country.)

“Liberal ideas are universal.” (False judgement.)

“All conservatives matter.” (False hobby.)

“People can be what they want to be.” (False generalization.)

“Do you see what I see?” (False psychology.)

“An elephant never forgets.” (False evolution.)

“People can be anything.” (False education.)

“I love you just like everybody else does.” (False publicity.)

“Love does not matter anymore.” (False materialism.)

“We always need marriage no matter what happens to us.” (False residence.)

“Money is an illusion.” (False science.)

“The money is real as long as I talk about it.” (False habit.)

“The food you mention is a great idea for me.” (False right.)

“Homelessness is always an option.” (False prejudice.)

“The money is never enough.” (False ownership.)

“Maybe food will not be necessary in the future.” (False chemistry.)

“Beginnings are endings.” (False time.)

“You can always make money by working harder.” (False labor.)

“The poverty will be gone forever.” (False intention.)

“I am always hungry.” (False health.)

“More work means more money.” (False economics.)

“More money means more work.” (False finances.)

“Poor people are just like Robin Hood.” (False fairytales.)

“Everything you touch is gold.” (False fetish.)

“Businesses are always looking to hire people for work.” (False applications.)

“A business always knows what to do.” (False relations.)

“You may need to drink when you are not thirsty.” (False advertisement.)

“Hunger is a poetic word for romance.” (False poetry.)

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