
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Videogame Review, Tails of Iron for the Playstation 4 (PS4 Game)

Videogame Review, Tails of Iron for the Playstation 4 (PS4 Game)

The game shows up with literary confusion. The program contains a backwards ideology that says, “Barbarians are normal.” Because of this backward ideology, Tails of Iron is more hardcore than it should be. Gamers also enjoy playing fantasies for comfort, not just for challenge. Here, in Tails of Iron, you will be lucky if you can do anything for any extended period of time. It’s a very, very complicated and disorderly game. Tails of Iron has a fatal spell retro gamers also find in the Super Nintendo library of shooters. It just gets wild and crazy on the mechanics and rough display. Perhaps this is to be expected. Tails of Iron is up front with me about the serious story for the mouse kingdom. I give some kudos for that. Of course, if you are a normal RPG fan, you will not love Tails of Iron very much; especially, if you are an RPG fan who listens to too much background music on purpose and if you daydream for long periods of time. If you are an RPG fan who likes to take it slow and go with the flow, Tails of Iron will feed you to the dogs. It’s a very serious game about primitive ages of the ancients with swords and shields. At first, the game seems innocent and peaceful in some kingdom authority on the proper crown of light. And, then, the wild warriors get dirty and nasty, stopping all kingdom activity and making every church look like a business failure. The story in this PS4 game does get quite sad, but at least the combat does have some important hardcore merits of fighting we find in quite a few fighting games. Tails of Iron is not a singular videogame. We do find quite a few video games just like this one. In particular, I compare some aspects of Tails of Iron on the Playstation 4 to Vanguard on the Atari 5200. Vanguard was very hardcore and I did enjoy that game in the past. But, now, with Tails of Iron, I have second thoughts. I do have mood disorder and my mood disorder impacts my perception and judgement of gameplay and controls. Tails of Iron does have fair buttons and responsive thumbsticks. And, you will eventually find that the controls are obvious and base enough to show you the impossible attacks by certain enemies. Yes, I know. We often love a fantasy about the “impossible” and movies can really benefit from the impossible fantasy. But, for video games, if you always try the impossible, you will eventually lose your temper and quit the game in frustration. That’s because, for video games, we need to play the game. You never really play the game for a movie. A movie is just a show. A videogame is not just a show. You need to play the game. That’s why graphics don’t really matter that much for video games. We do not turn on a videogame to just “look at pictures” and such. We need to play the game. Gameplay requires more intellect and intelligence. That’s why one of the first gaming consoles in videogame history was called the Intellivision (as in, Intelligent Television). Without intelligence and theological appreciation, Tails of Iron will beat you to the ground, but at least you know that early on from the impressive grandeur of story and time. I think the gameplay “time count” could’ve been better. My Playstation 4 has a lot of unique ways of counting time in a program. Sometimes, the time is real; sometimes, the time is an illusion. The illusion is necessary somewhat for modern gaming consoles with internet function because the galaxy, or, space and time in the universe, really is an illusion, a fantastic illusion, for internet devices today. Maybe programmers can increase more methods for time as an illusion and prepare delicious examples of fantasy worlds. And, yet, the fantasy world in Tails of Iron is rather sharp and rough around the edges, which is why I do not think normal RPG fans would enjoy it. Especially, if you are a Final Fantasy fan and if you play Tails of Iron long enough, you will start believing that maybe, just maybe, the Final Fantasy series is too soft and appealing for nerdy pushovers. Tails of Iron would make an excellent arcade game if there was more variety of courses and worlds to explore and wonder about. As an Atari 5200 fan, I do have rare interest for this PS4 cult classic. A rare interest can go a long way for videogame fantasies regarding castles and primitive religious civilizations. The mice in this PS4 game really do need God in this case. The “normal barbarians” are anything but normal. This PS4 game does reveal the flaws of a retro ideology to me as a gaming historian. Sure, older gamers will eventually need to play harder games because older gamers grow with more experience; and, when a gamer has more experience, he cannot turn back to easy, happy-go-lucky video games from childhood. Excessive memory would temper the older gamer’s foul exaggeration, so, the older gamer will need to give better reference to difficulty and judgement with time of gaming for video games. I think Tails of Iron would prove worthy on a secondary note. With all that said, this harsh PS4 game will never be my cup of tea, but a bottle of bug juice. That’s better for my gaming experience than nothing.


Are you an actor? If you are an actor on TV, please stop telling viewers to be arrogant. That’s not ethical. I am a philosopher and I do not believe in arrogance. Philosophy means “absence of arrogance”. I watch movies about arrogance to understand what society is. But, that does not mean I support arrogance. Philosophy is about harmony and justice. Arrogance is about despotism and hatred. I do not support arrogance. I generally love people. I get along fine with other people. Movies show us good and evil for our judgements, not for our senses. We need good judgements for peace. Premature senses will always fail. Arrogance misrepresents love. That’s why arrogant people cloud your thinking with irrelevant manners. If people with confidence give you good advice, people with arrogance give you bad advice. I tend to avoid bad advice for myself and others I talk to. Do you tell the truth about the art you enjoy? If you do not tell the truth about the art you enjoy, I am afraid you will feel pain in your mind and the pain will keep growing in your mind and you will suddenly make a mistake when a good guy comes to visit you. Unfortunately, that’s often how relationships end before they begin. Oh, if you are reading my philosophy, please refrain from mocking my literature. Mocking literacy is arrogance. If you need to disagree with me, be more logical and reasonable. No crazy stuff, please.

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