
Saturday, September 9, 2023

Poem- “Editing and Criticism”

“Editing and Criticism”

I do editing for my literature.

I am a critic of my own writing.

From editing, I must be a critic of my own writing.

This is the real nature of every good writer.

To be a good writer, you must be willing to criticize and edit your own writing.

Unless you are willing to criticize your own writing, you will never do editing.

Criticism is a requirement for editing.

Criticism is a requirement for every editor.

Without criticism, there is no editing.

When there is no criticism, there is no editing, and there is no writing.

Every author must be his or her own critic and hear other critics.

Or else, authorship will be impossible.

There is no other way.

Sure, you need a lot of writing skills to be an author.

But, to be an author, you must be willing to hear criticism from yourself and others.

Without that criticism, editing is impossible and writing is impossible.

Criticism is a requirement for literature.

Teachers are critics in schools.

They must be critics.

Teachers must tell you what your “grade” is.

It’s education.

Criticism is a requirement of education.

I have education, I know this fact already.

Teachers must be critics.

Or else, “everybody is a winner” and “nobody wins”.

We do not want that from authors, critics, and writers.

But don’t worry! Ha ha.

Everything is fine.

I am just telling the truth about authorship and writing.

When I write, sometimes I need to “delete” a favorite word for a better word.

Favorite words do not always work for the organization of text.

And, some words are better, but I may need to use less words.

Language is very tricky.

Do you speak a foreign language?


I love foreign languages.

I was studying Spanish, French, Japanese, German, Italian, and English in college.

I was also doing my own personal study for Czech, Romanian, Chinese, and more.

Let me tell you the truth about languages around the world on Earth.

There is no such thing as an “easy language” for studying.

That’s why writing and authorship are difficult and challenging for us.

Every language is difficult.

Every language is hard.

There are no exceptions.

In case you’re wondering…

Yes, editing and criticism are requirements for all study of every language.

No exceptions.

Do you see people on social media?

Notice their “text” on social media.

Why is their “text” so awkward, weird, and hard to read?

The reason, is because, people on social media are usually not critics.

Since people on social media are usually not critics, they do not have very good writing.

That’s why we see so much poor grammar and poor spelling on social media.

If people are not willing to criticize their own writing, they will use bad grammar.

It’s a law of nature.

Sometimes, I spell words wrong.

Sometimes, I spell characters wrong.

Sometimes, I spell text wrong.

Sometimes, I spell sounds wrong.

Sometimes, I spell sentences wrong.

Sometimes, I spell organization wrong.

For this reason, I must be a critic of my own writing and fix my mistakes.

There is no other way.

Oh, and “poets” must be critics, too.

Unless you are a critic, you will never be a poet.

Writing poetry is especially difficult.

Who knows how to “rhyme” about everything in the world?

That’s a very challenging skill; it’s a very rare skill, because most people are too busy.

So, unless you are a critic, you are not a poet.

What does this mean?

Dumb people say,

“Critics have no right to talk about art.”

That is false.

Critics have a right to talk about art.

Some critics just do not know what a “right” is.

And, to create art, you will need to be your own critic or management will be impossible.

Criticism is a requirement of management for any art in general.

Or else, without criticism, you will just be making mistakes all the time without knowing it.

Without criticism, you will even spell your name in a funny way.

Every author must know how to spell his or her own name.

No exceptions.

I hope you guys do well on your writing.

Creative writing brings up so many possibilities for our lives.

Keep up the good work and I will focus on my literature.

Please read this tutorial and keep it to heart.

Love conquers all!

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