
Friday, July 13, 2018

Phone Review, Galaxy s7

Phone Review, Galaxy s7

It was electrifying until the last moments we had it to be sure.  The photography on it was great and I spent a good amount of time almost every day getting my act together with the device.  Images had a lot to do with things like Sunset, Cartoon, Sweet, and Riddle among other features.  Visuals exasperated on brilliance although they were more light and blurry compared to the Galaxy s9’s which came later.  Demand and receipt went hand in hand.  What was specific in the s7’s graphics related to the spectrum of colors Samsung provided.  Colors kind of acted on each other to visualize exaggerations within the borders on focus, clarity, and privilege.  

Truth is more kind when expressed through proper authority and due to the nature we’re in by participating in this review I’d like to note particulars over ambiguous signs given in my declaration.  Yes, Galaxies have buttons through the whole device, not just the touch screen in spite of plentiful functions.  Games you would’ve founded on the s7 included Candy Crush and “Solitaire” while the going in Wi-Fi and high speed internet was probable in addition to formal.  College education may dampen the relationship between users and phones, especially when someone is thinking “I can’t do this unless someone had done it before” and fate in numbers rolls the dice at privilege in questionable terms.  

But trust me when I say the Galaxy s7 is sort of a relic- in fact, I eventually ran out of memory on my s7 and had to switch over to the Galaxy s9 and its memory card use, so now you won’t be able to use the Galaxy s7 even if you want to.  Quite a flaw if I do say myself!  Those old Atari consoles can be played with anytime as long as you follow the directions, like: 1) only have the electric plug in when machine is in use, 2) direct to RF (metal tube on back of TV for cable), 3) don’t remove or insert games when machine is on, and 4) additional miscellaneous information to be concerned.  Yet those are Atari consoles!  I could switch between games while my phone was on, the reception was immediate and clear, communication existed on my very phone often, and there was additional miscellaneous information to be concerned.  

My repetition of the 4th clause should be more apparent even if there’s still confusion on the subject matter.  Old videogame consoles are more like lawnmowers than mobile devices just from their nature, as it’s possible you’ll have to hook up a long outdoor plug to get your Colecovision going.  Why am I mentioning old machines and praising the Galaxy s7 for its quick charge, fast pace, and efficient applications?  Isn’t all this unnecessary?  Well, what you’re probably doing if you’re asking those questions is you’re looking for ideas from me as though I’m an endless book of answers.  Don’t be full of yourself.  This is my argument for consideration and I require your faith of the moment.  The instruction manual included with the s7 hardly explained much because the phone suggested much.  Web was fine!  From how much stuff was packed into the s7, no wonder.  And yet I wonder…  

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