
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Vehicle Show Review, Auto Racing- “2018 F3 British Championship” From Oulton Park. March 31-April 2, 2018 (6/12/18)

Vehicle Show Review, Auto Racing- “2018 F3 British Championship”
From Oulton Park.  March 31-April 2, 2018 (6/12/18)

Race cars grind to a halt only while starting up again later.  What you’ll find in this racing match is mist which purifies the roads into submission under the roaring, moaning tires.  Car after car go by, wheel after wheel is turned, just the very beginning of progression at the starting line where fog and mist pull air inside the sky’s lower limits for mortality and co-machinery athleticism.  Here I’m speaking of onslaught as well as puddles that rain on mud from being less than thunderous by a cloud’s favor on our side.  You’ll love the wet atmosphere.  Again, I can only speak so much for what it’s worth when counting chickens before they hatch, in mysticism over the radar front at whatever speed necessitates the pending challenge, vehicles upon vehicles flowing through the water in magnificence out of bounds for temporary storms mixed into an Englishman’s breeze.  Just when the going gets tough I find a new miracle from a failing line like that one!  Don’t really sit on the couch though- for that matter, attempt at ignorance for understanding until perfection is maximized for a small hand on your remote, TV buzzing and going, monitor on radar within the borders among wet droplets however dry the spongy earth gets in a general downpour, clouds as they hide to seek light from interruptions on our behalf no matter what vitality leaks in a big fan’s frustration.  Europeans are gentle but also disinterested unless circumstances pop up as far as the literary eye can study light for the matter, weather beyond approach as we get tickled into fandom, like what grass reflects when seeds grow to pass in green and come back again.  In fact, a big fan is not an acquaintance.  Fans spread out near the English land although I’m an American at home speculating matters in their own hands even if God pursues me, as geography across from the blades sizzles out of magnificence in glory where the drivers shine more than they dare approach on.  Everything seems to be in place.  It’s a nature out of nature, history and fiction in the making as whereupon the globular star ahead of us glows the biggest lamp confirming our surroundings within the galaxy, at least in principle.  A good shine may search for more reflections as the racing path combines drivers.  There’s enough tension, action, and brilliant work to be had where the professional machine-steerers march and launch by wheel, vision as taken closest to the few inches in front of their eyes expanding the focus out of mortal bands into keen eyes for the taking.  Discover as much to be had here.  Meanings as written down burn opinion along to exaggerations that heal my dispute into a great sense of humor.

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