
Friday, July 6, 2018

TV Show Review, My Little Pony, “Suited for Success”, Season 1 Episode 14

TV Show Review, My Little Pony, “Suited for Success”, Season 1 Episode 14

You can’t present people everything in your fashion unless authorship of books is wished.  Nora Roberts is an example.  So, what happens when our pony friends get together with every single thing you can imagine during the crowd’s intrigue at the flashing, glittery stage?  A group of meatheads who can’t get their clothes on!  There’s a fine line between keeping and getting unless you catch obstacles at whatever quantity proceeds in to be related conditions on such a moment.  Call it a treat if you will.  Reviewers of My Little Pony may end up telling you what’s perceived by them to be verification when according to your knowledge it’s false logic, so readers tend to spend a lot of moments testing out quick emotions rather than daring to endure the truth.  Remember the pony critic’s shades?  Sometimes we give insults so people on misty minds feel teased into believing a change in philosophy.  What students like those in the MLP series don’t understand is that most people give you problems on no solution and encourage talk because we usually don’t know what we’re about or happening to live for- that’s how fashion goes.  But there’s streams of color we find in this MLP episode (#14).  Enough happens.  The audience of every pony near the exhibit expect clothes only so much as to please their bias.  Don’t excuse a word like “bias” so soon though.  In fact, there’s a good amount of bias in fashion out of the natural order of things included with beauty and performance.  Sports like tennis and hockey often involve bias as far as rackets and pucks are concerned (partly due to motion with a swing and reception at the ball’s end).  Having fashion without bias is totally impossible.  Princess Twilight wants to add so many features to her dress because she is afraid of giving bias; as a result of this, she arrives on the stage with the world on her back and leaves feeling like an ass.  Well, she’s a horse.  Jokes exist in the business industries in our America about how an entrepreneur can be so expedient in delivery and service that he tends to be stuck-up and unreal, like what Rarity turns out to be.  She works for ridiculous demands- ribbons, constellations, yellow boots, pretty please with sugar on top.  “Suited for Success” illustrates what happens when customers in fashion expect for the unexpected until they’re beyond infinite in common sense and decency.  Then again, old pong machines are very much the opposite to this MLP episode due to graphic styles as premature.  Whereas the graphics in My Little Pony can border on incredible magnificence which can make us queasy, old pong machines are really like tic-tac-toe in the sense of ordinary visuals: lines and dots, dots and lines.  If truth is somewhere in the middle between MLP and old pong machines I think a nice, special treat ought to be given more of a bare appearance in relation to prestige and excellence.  Episode 14 is great, don’t get me wrong.  Even Rarity understands that a generous attitude is at work on her proof for the cartoon worlds of which My Little Pony handles extreme examples upon lots of flare, exaggeration, and wing-to-wing, hoof-to-hoof saturation.  Let’s just not go overboard like Twilight and the others do and get out of hand, shall we?

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