
Thursday, February 20, 2020

Short Story- “Junk Food Island”

“Junk Food Island”

Mike traveled over the ocean during a trip of a lifetime.  Suddenly, his tour boat crashed on the shore while a storm hit, and, he ended up stuck on this remote island in some unknown geographical area.  The island wasn’t deserted.  No, far from it!  It was actually an island filled with nothing but junk food- no apples, no bananas, no grilled chicken, no wheat, no orange juice.  Just nothing but junk food!  Mike had to eat at the local tribe’s fast food joints over, and over, and over again- there was no end in sight.  He just ate and ate to his heart’s content.  Soon he grew bored of the fast food, and then, outraged.  Cheeseburgers, fries, and milkshakes stuffed him up and, in no time, he gained 200 pounds in as little as 3 weeks.  The weight gain decreased as Mike got fatter.  Nobody else survived on Junk Food Island: heart attacks, diabetes, and foul diseases swept the island.  Junk food was everywhere!  There were donuts, pizzas, fried chicken drumsticks, etc.  All of the other tourists suffered and died on that island and Mike suffered as well until, one day, government aircraft picked him up where he cried, on his knees, shouting out loud, “I WILL NEVER EAT EVER AGAIN!”  The local tribe was captured, arrested, and put in jail for their crimes against humanity and a special documentary was made on Mike’s horrible experience as an obese person on a lonely island.  You’ll see him on TV; he said, “They just kept feeding me and feeding me and I got SO fat!  The tribe made fun of me and continued cooking fried chicken and tortured the other tourists.  Our boat was ruined and torn to pieces.  We tried eating less food, but the tribe forced us to eat and even played with our belly fat.  Sniff… so bad…  Everyone in the tribe danced all around us and sang about our belly fat!  It wasn’t funny.  They set up a fire, cooked hundreds of hamburgers over stones close to it, and, from frying more pies and donuts in a boiling pot of oil, they treated us like royalty and fed us so much more food.  I hated it!  And the others didn’t survive!  Sniff… they got so fat… all alone… on a lonely island!”

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