
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Videogame Review, Wheel of Fortune for the Nintendo Switch (Portable Mode)

Videogame Review, Wheel of Fortune for the Nintendo Switch (Portable Mode)

The portable mode refers to a Nintendo Switch as it’s played from hands under screen.  My Switch can be used as either portable or home console; however, the video game console generally is designed by Nintendo for smaller screens.  A small screen can help the program come to life although I’m still rather confused and worried about the video as presented.  It’s hard to stare at the wheel while “stuff” comes up on the screen.  Using the Nintendo Switch itself for the smallest screen possible, or getting out the black tablet and attaching little controllers to the sides to form the pieces into a whole, portable controller, leaves me to estimate the considerable value of mobile gaming.  I’m not a newspaper journalist.  Newspapers are generally filled with greater amounts of information and exact facts.  My review is more like blogging or general poetry in motion.  Of course, there’s something interesting to be said about the Nintendo Switch in portable mode.  I grab the device in portable mode and have the screen near me and right at my face- it’s the smallest form of the Nintendo Switch possible and it takes a kind of transformation to get from mobile gameplay to home gaming.  Let’s think of portable mode as a sort of “beast mode”.  That’s a phrase I’m quoting from the Transformers: Beast Wars television series I grew up with as a kid in the 1990’s.  In that TV show series, robots land on a planet and get turned into animals.  They’re animals until they transform into their real robot forms and graduate in flying colors under a generally chaotic environment.  Portable mode for the Nintendo Switch is like a smaller animal type.  Concentration is made over the smallest screen in my hands while ongoing events happen around me without my direct input on other people’s activities and, mostly, irrelevant natures surrounding my gaming spree.  Maybe I’ll have to tell someone near me to be quiet or insist that nobody start the dishwasher or laundry machine during my gameplay.  Facts like these let me keep interest in Wheel of Fortune.  It’s an interest I’ll have for portable games I don’t want or need.  Then again, my patience for the corrupted program isn’t so easy- I’ll just sit near the Nintendo Switch, wondering what I’m supposed to do or where I could expect the “fix” in video format.  Characters in the game may have some really silly hairstyles!  Some forms of hair look like wigs; I know this, because my grandma used to do quite well in a hair-wig business.  Even the host of Wheel of Fortune will say I’m “uninteresting”.  Well, at least I’m uninteresting right now with practical, true knowledge in this analysis.  

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