
Thursday, October 12, 2023

Poem- “Robots and Stealing”

“Robots and Stealing”

Sometimes, people think about using artificial intelligence tools for writing.

Let me ask you this question:

Would you steal ideas from a robot?

Imagine this:

You steal ideas from the Terminator.

The Terminator is the famous robot in our movie industry in America.

Or, at least, we have fiction of the Terminator, a robot.

But, let’s say, the robot was real.

Would you steal ideas from the robot?

The robot is making ideas, not you.

You steal ideas from a robot!

I consider this plagiarism.

This is an act of stealing ideas from a robot.

For this reason, I create my own ideas, without help from a robot.

I do not use artificial intelligence tools for my writing.

My poem comes from me, not a robot.

When a robot creates ideas, you cannot steal the robot’s ideas.

That includes artificial intelligence.

“Artificial intelligence” from a PC (personal computer) should be considered a robot.

You cannot steal ideas from a robot.

You need to write your own documents.

If the robot is creating ideas, only give credit to the robot.

The robot is creating ideas, not you.

And, therefore, I believe it should be considered evil to steal ideas from a robot.

Think about it!

Would you steal ideas from Mega Man?

Would you steal ideas from Star Wars robots?

Would you steal ideas from Star Trek robots?

Would you steal ideas from science fiction robots?

Would you steal ideas from aliens, monsters, unicorns, and others?

Obviously, I think just stealing ideas in general should be considered wrong.

It does matter if you steal ideas from a non-human.

It is still stealing.

That’s wrong.

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