
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Baseball Review, Boston Red Sox at Tampa Bay Rays (2/27/19)

Baseball Review, Boston Red Sox at Tampa Bay Rays (2/27/19)

There’s a shifting balance in games like this one.  Even the losing team manages to propel themselves forward as competitors in baseball and it feels good to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.  Barriers exist where opportunities search through obstacles related to pursuit of happiness on a baseball athlete’s side, like money to a break, given the circumstances over the grass and into the pavement across the fields in small bits of resources.  Sports games tend to have a visual style one way or another.  Athleticism means toughness and resistance towards upcoming challenges, not the complete ignorance of difficulty which so many artists excuse themselves in when reviewers catch their mistakes and give negative feedback.  (Sorry artists!)  Of course it’s good for an athlete to take care of himself while reaching the fields in dispute of time and space likened to goals readied on input from physics, moves by attitude upon the brink; a challenge begins and ends where dispute of a goal is required and there’s absolute guarantees for vivid sports action here and there, as long as players keep the steps up and pull off those stunts against their own weight of courage and fear.  Too much effort on a ball can send it flying; too much ease on a ball can send it wobbling in low movements upon the field: and so, when batters come up to the plate and pardon energy for dramatic play there’s got to be more than simple, everyday concentration that baseball audiences can be guilty of- ignoring the colors, dismissing the chance, given that a match may play less well on impact for store of energy and so on.  A lot happens in this game but I won’t point out the obvious.  Is it just me, or are the baseball announcers on this game more calm and polite than those for the current Los Angeles Dodgers?  Some Californians certainly appear to have a huge chunk of intense emotions in their gullets as words are expressed by them in bright sweetness or chunk-to-chunk disinterest through grumpy forms of words.  At times I’m like, “Yeah, yeah, Californian, I know you can talk.  Why don’t you take that stick out of the mud so nobody chokes on it, okay?”  The Boston Red Sox used to be a real losing streak or curse for people in the East until the 2000’s started passing with some age and, for the last 15 years, they’ve won 4 World Series Championships; the Dodgers had that kind of World Series streak… over 50 years ago!

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