
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Videogame Review, Triple Score: Columns for the Sega Genesis 3 (Brand New Console)

Videogame Review, Triple Score: Columns for the Sega Genesis 3 (Brand New Console)

Imagine if Sega did what many artists do on Deviant Art.  What if Sega banned comments on their art, didn't allow people to share their art, prohibited little videos and links to their videogames, and just wanted people to look at their art and leave in silence about Sega?  In the United States of America and in the world over, Sega would get into awful, awful lawsuits and governments worldwide would perceive the company as an oppressive force and possibly shut down their business or at least break them up into smaller businesses.  But I know Sega would NEVER do that.  Lol.  (I feel like joking around.)  So, feel lucky my dear Deviants!  You take the law into your own hands and it’s going to get you into trouble someday.  I can comment on Columns for the Sega Genesis 3 and not get into trouble as long as I’m legal and responsible on defining those redeeming qualities to the program.  Have you seen an artist on Deviant Art who bans all comments and doesn’t allow sharing or critical commentary?  Well, that artist is likely involved in an illegal activity.  For my art in reviewership I can suggest what readers may do with my work of art in reviewing the game, or review on Columns for the Sega Genesis 3, but I can’t just tell you not to share my review or give critical commentary on my work.  Besides, what the programmers have done right for Columns is realizing what program elements they need to apply to Sega’s classic in order to give rule-breaking players other viewpoints to the arcade, and heat, in action.  For example, when you try moving the jewels out of the frame or window where all the action is supposed to take place, you can’t, because the program won’t allow for it and demands that you stick right into the frame or window where all the action is taking place, and, a video game today pretty much must always take place on a TV screen or a portable device’s screen.  Something’s really nice about the music- from song, to song, to song, volume is more of a random expression of truth when the truth is formed and signaled.  Like I’ve been telling friends on Facebook, “If volume was so consistent in truthful expression, why listen to a song again?”  The ancient music must be heard over and over again while playing and listening for the 1st time isn’t listening for the entire time of living.  Reviewers like me can be questioned, critics like me can be questioned, but we can’t be dismissed so easily, nor can we ban you from commenting on our work.  People over the years have expressed their glee and frustrations with Columns over the years and it’s not possible to shut down the world without having the world come right back at ya.  The Sega Genesis 3 does a terrific job in presenting the Columns program in all its glory; in fact, if you’ve read other reviews on Columns and I think of plenty of the same ideas which are founded in those reviews, why express those same ideas here?  My love is apparent.

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