
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Poem- “Making it Real”

“Making it Real”

Nature can’t always be seen.
There’s existence we know nothing about.
A walk down the street isn’t revealing an entire planet.
Going up a hill shows less than what remains to be seen at that location.
People you see aren’t the whole, floating population.
You’re tiny, small, and microscopic compared to the universe.
Of course we do rely on much existence along a planet like Earth.
I’m not talking about ideas only; I’m talking about existence, too.
My ideas for this poem are little psychological effects under communications.
Speech doesn’t prove my innocence in absence of nature.
Consciousness may get imaginary on us.
Different subjects can’t lead people to just one resource.
Remember- ideas used to be absent from Earth and nature still was.
Earth isn’t a marble- it doesn’t fit in your pocket and it’s too big for your mouth.
Sun, moon, and stars revolve over this planet from a local illusion of perspective.
Rockets get to outer space and become new, far distant witness.
How we look at Earth from here isn’t how we look at Earth from there.
As such, our notions for evolution can’t really be much nature.
Too many occurrences have already become extinct as I speak.
Freaks of nature aren’t likely contrarians towards reality.
Wait, you’ve seen a dinosaur?
Give me a time machine first, then I’ll confirm your sight and approve your eyes.
Then again, how do we prove that moments are recreated from a machine?
And, isn’t recreation that departure from existence into theoretical reality?
A walk down the street for the 1st time isn’t a walk down the street for the 2nd time.
Existing first, then returning to your past existence, may involve different existence.
Not to mention a time machine isn’t time itself.
What about time without a machine’s help- wasn’t that real time?
Did you lose your touch then or have you lost your touch now?
But how do we prove a time machine works?
Use another time machine?
Put reality in a box and open it later?
Use “Time in a Bottle” and get drunk? 
Times long past will always be past.
Humans would’ve had to have existed forever to create a time machine.
A machine’s recreation of time isn’t real time.
Instead, it’s fiction: created, imagined, without true quality of existence.

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