
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

“Disney’s Snow White”

“Disney’s Snow White”

Snow White is a racist.
This mythological character lives in a contrarian kingdom.
Her royalty begs to heights apart from “dwarves” or “the lower orders”.
Why are the seven dwarves inferior?
It’s because they’re shorter, less fair, and very barbaric.
Each little guy has a metaphor for his name.
A princess like Snow White has a pompous, colorful title.
Little girls shouldn’t always be treated fairly- in fact, they can get spoiled.
But her kingdom shows racial ties.
She marries the person who looks most like her- white, fair, and civilized.
Those dwarves are cast off with indifference of relations.
My apologies for exposing this stereotypical image.
We must take this movie as racist folklore.

If we look at Humboldt’s text in his book on South America from the 1800’s we see this:

“I shall here proceed to give some information respecting the tribes of dwarf and fair Indians, which ancient traditions have placed near the sources of the Orinoco.”  (pg. 970)

You’re probably wondering, “What is he talking about?”
Let me answer this.
Humboldt was a scientist who explored South America.
The notion of “fair” and “dwarf” related to the Indian lifestyles.
“Fair” and “dwarf” were used for descriptions of hair, skin, height, health, literacy, and more.

Even to this day we like to think that dwarves are inferior in some way, or just odd.
Surprise is a factor on racism- people may see what they want to see.
We get images in fashion of “the fair lady”, “the county fair”, “a fair game”, etc.
Obstacles get in the way and humans get so concerned about productivity.
Knowledge punishes us while lack of awareness goes on.
Today, Americans assume that someone is fantastic for being “taller” or “bigger”.
But I’ll bet you they don’t know the origins of their beliefs.
People just pick up ideas without question, or, there’s prejudice behind questions. 

Excerpt From: Alexander von Humboldt. “Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 2.” Apple Books.

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