
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Short Fiction- “Knights in Painting Armor”

“Knights in Painting Armor”

Once upon a time, there was a republic of knights made of paint in shining armor.  Every knight was mostly paint- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.  A kingdom got set in beautiful colors of paint.  But then, one day, an army of knights in black paint invaded the colorful republic.  A knight in red paint dug a fossil; a knight in orange paint kissed a stone; a knight in yellow paint dressed for luncheon; a knight in green paint played a flute; a knight in blue paint spied on suspicious-looking knights in black paint; a knight in purple paint wore a crown and became a big glob- all this and more, and still, the army of knights in black paint dominated the stretched canvas land.  All knights in black paint stole the talents of the colorful knights.  Paint was burning on the battle field and the colorful knights were drenched in black paint.  Soon the colorful knights fought against themselves from being so covered with black paint and the illusion of “black knight” masked more colorful knights, making them black and attracted violence from the still-colorful knights.  The kingdom became divided by color.  Eventually a wizard in white paint came to the scene: from the looks of things, he needed to push the darkness away from the colors and turn the colorful republic of paint against the looming shadows beyond the paintbrush.  So, he took a paintbrush and dipped it in the rainbow during a violent storm and, when raindrops covered the knights enough, the colors were swiped and put back to normal except that the black knights remained in stance of defeating gestures.  All the black knights retreated and paint dripped from their armor.  The wizard in white paint vanquished any and all traces of black paint and the colorful republic of painted knights lived happily ever after.


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