
Sunday, March 29, 2020

Videogame Review, Kung Fu for the Retron 2 (w/ Brand New Console)

Videogame Review, Kung Fu for the Retron 2 (w/ Brand New Console)

Imagination takes forms which don’t belong to reality.  Literature, from my review, involves conflicting topics for sensitive persons and widespread hysteria is all in the reader’s head.  We can’t experience the whole world; however, Kung Fu reveals the B-movie traits you’ll find liking to where favor begins to be a match over difficult lines between A and B, and 1 and 2.  Guarantee must be implied by recognition for spooks leaping into the horizons of “ninja”.  Obstacles remain to be seen, challenge is promoted with haste.  The Retron 2 performs a great deal of quality in NES programming.  In fact, in terms of audio/video cables, the Retron 2 is actually better in both audio and video than the original NES console for Kung Fu.  A wizard makes magic in the moths, a boss stomps his feet beyond a seat, one midget leaps over my head, so on and so forth.  The dragon’s fiery breath looks stunning in fresh video performance where the yellow cord is clean, sturdy, and easy with the AV connection.  Great battles occur.  A dramatic feat is felt even more with tolerable auto fire.  Of course, kung fu is something of an art in real life and the NES classic game is only a joking reference via graphical along the lines of videogames.  We also must understand that the Nintendo Entertainment System (or NES console) was gradually moved into video game stores overtime during the late-80’s.  Earth didn’t just blow up with games all at once.  Licensed companies (and even unlicensed companies) defined the NES console over the years in the 80’s and a market required a building of materials and supplies in action for chaos represented as consumer-friendly through poetic, commercial reminders.  We’re obviously not going to run into instant satisfaction at every given moment, or, even every ungiven moment.  Yes, I’m playing with the reader a bit.  Not to mention, gamers have needed to look at the past from various degrees since videogames may be designed for prolonged exposure of ergonomics at work- there’s comfort on my end, but “ergonomics” can be felt and expressed by immediate satisfaction and prolonged exposure.  Work itself is generalized for the heat of battle and my intellect plays tricks with my awareness for visual performances in combat.  How do I trick a trickster in this game?  Qualities should be underestimated enough so the flow creates an illusion of challenge for where difficulty fits in humor or frustration.  My NES game works very well with the Retron 2 and it’s highly recommended.

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