
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Poem- “All Lives and Matter”

“All Lives and Matter”

“All lives matter.”

This slogan does not erase racism.

This slogan can only change racism.

All lives matter.

That is, people matter.

Why do people matter?

Why do all lives matter?

We have criticism.

We have nations.

We have divisions.

We have sports.

We have alternatives.

We have separations.

We have disorder.

We have chaos.

We have differences.

We have opinions.

We have unique looks.

We have distinct appearances.

We have options.

We have disagreements.

We have arguments.

We have debates.

We have levels.

We have individual preparations.

We have collections.

We have persons.

We have personalities.

We have supreme beings.

We have athletes.

We have professionals.

We have ignorance.

We have doubt.

We have cultures.

We have places.

We have locks.

We have keys.

We have might.

We have identities.

We have regions.

We have locations.

We have neighborhoods.

We have variety.

We have disagreeable combinations.

We have unknown codes.

We have suspicious persons.

We have politicians.

We have governments.

We have businesses.

We have artists.

We have industry.

We have natural hazards.

We have bias.

We have barriers.

We have isolation.

We have privacy.

We have dispute.

We have compromise.

We have purchase agreements.

We have terms and conditions from strangers.

We have strange people.

We have friends.

We have enemies.

We have divorces.

We have marriages.

We have brothers.

We have sisters.

We have fathers.

We have mothers.

We have families.

We have teachers who correct us.

We have students who fool us.

We have masters who abuse us.

We have experts who dismiss us.

We have reviewers who question us.

We have people who are people in denial of people.

We have Earth.

All lives matter on Earth.

You do not see everybody on Earth.

So, I agree, all lives matter.

Enemies and friends matter.

But people often fight for their lives because they matter.

Racism does not end.

Racism just changes.

We can try to end racism.

But, from everything I’ve said above, you know why it does not end.

We can only end racism with healthy understanding.

But people are not always healthy for any kind of understanding.

What human goes to school and already knows everything?

The student’s grades are always evidence of imperfection.

You will be wrong on something.

Human beings get sick and have illness.

Racism is like a disease.

And, since evolution does not end, disease is always a danger.

We can only manage disease with the best technology we actually have.

We do not always even have technology of any kind.

So, humans often “change” things but do not always “end” things.

That’s why results are better than change.

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