
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Videogame Review, WCW Nitro for the Nintendo 64 (w/ SharkPad Pro 64² Controller)

Videogame Review, WCW Nitro for the Nintendo 64 (w/ SharkPad Pro 64² Controller)

The worst critic of video games has the following comment:

“I will never date a gamer.”

You find that comment on dating websites.  I do not have that comment.  I date gamers.  So, believe me, I’m not the worst critic.  But the worst reader of criticism says this:

“Every critic turns a good game into a bad game.”

No, the worst reader of criticism does not really “say” this.  But I think it’s the worst reader’s secret idea about a critic.  It’s a false idea.  I do not turn good games into bad games.  That’s impossible to do.  I’m not a programmer!  In fact, I don’t turn bad games into good games.  I just leave games as they are and give proper judgement of truth.  If the color is red, I say that the color is red; if the color is blue, I say that the color is blue; and, so on.  WCW Nitro does have a great deal of charm.  Keep in mind that gameplay for this wrestling game involves the C-buttons.  The C-buttons are those small yellow buttons you see on a normal Nintendo 64 controller.  How could the wrestling game surprise us with poor results?  Well, it’s like this.  You must push C-buttons; in fact, you must push a lot of C-buttons, a lot, in a very quick manner depending on a fighter’s position and sudden circumstance.  So WCW Nitro gets down to button-mashing.  You need to put in effort, a lot of effort, to play this fighting game.  I think the theory is wonderful on the surface of intellect and motion with an N64 controller.  In the end, it turns out that whatever effort I put in gets irrational.  Why is that?  The effort is irrational because the buttons do not always click with the functions.  So, one time, a button does not work; another time, that same button does work, even when the position and sudden circumstance are exactly the same.  I’ve played WCW Nitro for 40 hours, so I know what I’m talking about.  I would like to be happy with WCW Nitro.  Of course, this desire for happy hours with the game would require ignorance and want.  I want to be happy, and, I may be ignorant.  But I must tell the truth about the controls of gameplay.  The controls of gameplay are not consistent.  At least there’s a nice amount of eye candy.  Nice graphics are so appealing to me in WCW Nitro because the feature presentation is unreal, ridiculous, and practically perfect comedic purpose upon the images.  The Rumble Pak works very well for WCW Nitro- I can really “feel” the vibrations of movement and even taunting brings in the gold of electronic tremors.  It’s such a bad game.  And, I do kind of “like” a bad game every now and then, even if I must describe the real qualities of performance.  The controls get buggy.  That’s because there’s so many C-buttons, and, I must push C-buttons so many times, and that’s enough to “confuse” my Nintendo 64 console.  Everything about WCW Nitro feels like a squishy TV remote.  You know what I mean?  You know, a squishy TV remote, where you have to push the same buttons again and again for the program to do anything?!  It’s funny and amusing.  But, it’s not possible for me to declare a belief in these controls with confidence for quality purposes.  The fighting wrestlers look very unreal and corny.  But, I admire this kind of charm.  The Nintendo 64 console was not a realistic video game.  So, actually, the better N64 games are often the N64 games that look like awesome, wonderful fantasies of magic.  WCW Nitro has a great might of lust and sport.  No gamer can say, “I don’t have lust.”  That’s like saying, “I don’t have a stomach.”  And, I’m sure you have a stomach!  Even wrestlers and fighters have stomachs.  As such, wrestling is a kind of display for lust, pride, and fitness.  There’s not always much difference between a healthy man and a hungry man.  You know this.  Surprisingly my SharkPad Pro 64² controller does a fantastic job on the holding and placing of hands.  And, yet, I must be careful with my wrestler’s moves.  The moves pop up and go down at random.  It depends of Nintendo’s speed of service.  The instruction manual for WCW Nitro has English words that do not exist.  That’s kind of funny!  I do not think WCW Nitro is a classic game or even a good game.  But at least I can appreciate the wit and humor for quick matches and rough entertainment.

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