
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Videogame Review, Hexagonos for the “At Games” Sega Genesis (Built-In Game)

Videogame Review, Hexagonos for the “At Games” Sega Genesis (Built-In Game)

It’s a buggy joke.  A game like this is entertaining for a while until the motion sets in and boredom comes into play.  You’ll see messages in the puzzle, arcade game which indicate a false use of English.  For example, “lose” will be spelled as “loose”.  That reveals a kind of dirty, naughty joke about the player, and the grammar keeps interrupting the flow of victories and losses as long as we’re remembering those tidbits of information.  Hexagonos is a puzzle arcade game- in fact, there’s extreme difficulty observed of the computer and it takes extended periods of thinking to revolve on anything for victory.  But the game itself has flaws.  For one thing, a winner could’ve used false logic to arrive at the correct situation while a loser could’ve used true logic to arrive at the wrong situation; this circumstance in turn causes a lot of disorder and misrepresentation since we’re talking about motion as opposed to better heights of fairness from the provided gameplay.  It’s dreamlike, but not realistic and thorough.  Visualizations or graphics in the program can get irritating, too.  In addition to the false use of English we also have characters to choose from who resemble, and literally are, blobs.  Digital worlds may have those remarkable features in a played dimension and yet I’m wondering how the “At Games” people would find humor in the constantly excused mechanics to the gameplay.  Maybe they think 2 + 2 = 4; however, the moment you’d ask them what their foundations are for the formulaic expression, I believe you’d realize there’s mathematical injustice.  The greens and blues in the program don’t differ from each other very much and the onlook of information is weird, disturbing, and impractical due to gameplay infrastructure.  Controls are questionable because the gameplay is questionable.  There’s something about fitting blobs into holes that I find dirty since blobs are often those elements in biology with repugnant qualities which interest scientists but disgust everybody else.  One message reads, “Train mor for this never happens again!”  That’s correct grammar in Spanish but it’s incorrect for English.  Button commands are simple; then again, I’m sure there could’ve been alternative moves for entertainment given from more buttons on my wireless Genesis controller which has thus far been accurate and efficient.  There’s Easy, Normal, and Hard although it feels like there’s really Hard, Harder, and Hardest.  We can only correct our moves so much from the cancellation of bubbles and flashes on the playing field where pops make rounds and territories are claimed between two belligerent, ugly opponents.  Blobs?!  Give me a break!

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