
Friday, September 20, 2019

Poem- “Treats and Bombs”

“Treats and Bombs”

A treat pleases for short periods of time.
However, when there’s too much, then it’s a bomb.
It can only be a treat with moderation.
Take in vast quantities of candy, soda, and junk food and you have problems.
White bread is a viable symbol under good judgement.
Fill up the tank and you might lose your lunch.
Patience and virtue leads to “giving yourself a break”.
Enough substance must be there before a break is taken or you’ll break down.
You’ll break down because so many tastes are lingering prior to maintenance.
Of course, exercise is easier to talk about than to do.
Blood, sweat, and tears must be poured into the system of light.
Does pizza and burgers make sense when you haven’t been eating vegetables?
Truth is, our pain and suffering is usually not shown on TV.
TV gives poetry or fantastic scenes.
Watching TV all day indicates lack of understanding.
People need to stop putting so many bombs in their stomachs.
For example, they could read a cookbook.
And, guys, healthy food is delicious the longer you have it.
Treats aren’t that way.
Burgers, nachos, pizza, ice cream are great if you’ve already had good health.
Without good health each treat will feel like a gut bomb.
Treats are nutritious when taken in moderation.
I don’t want to see another reality show about a 600 pound man.
A man like that is the entire gut bomb in the works.
He eats, eats, and eats and never gets a great taste.
Unlimited eating isn’t taste at all.
Normal people would get enough taste and finish their plate.
Many diseases have been related to the mouth.
A human may feel his or her mind in the heart, brain, or stomach or parts.
Drinking beer has to do with this- take too much, and you’ll explode.
I’ve ended friendships based on unhealthy eating from others.
So, please, have enough time to experience the treat!
Have extra mileage before filling up.
What’s more important- the taste, or the meal?

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