
Friday, September 14, 2018

Videogame Review, Cosmic Creeps for the Atari 2600 (w/ 7800 Joystick)

Videogame Review, Cosmic Creeps for the Atari 2600 (w/ 7800 Joystick)

The 7800 joystick gives Cosmic Creeps more depth because of its gameplay with it.  Tilting the joystick, or the 7800 joystick rather, becomes a breeze and I’m more able to observe improved accuracy over aliens and kids.  But don’t play a game for too long or for too quickly- that habit can lead to anger if for too long and for numbness if for too little, or the elements can be reversed or dismissed depending on the person.  Gameplay succeeds on its action as vision alters the understanding.  Colors are given, here and there, to prove the vacuum of space: a tall, gray ship, faithful children, exploded zappers, and “skating” aliens.  But don’t tell me to focus or to have paragraphs; in other words, stop coveting my mind.  Everything will come to you if things are heard, reasoned, and cared for.  Besides the 7800 joystick there’s gameplay that calls for quicker tilts and speeded paces.  Aliens are practically flying through the sky with such force as to keep elements in company to dispute between themselves and pesky kids, and who cares?  Dreams reveal openings into momentum on our foot to humanity’s sake, as passion burns with envy, movements taken across the board into Neverland where all requests are dismissed for conundrums within grasp towards fate and anxiety, children fleeing from aliens who only pardon children once they’re made into bubbles and sparks.  Or are aliens really like this?  Children imagine things and we have to remember that people care for others more through less adult-like behavior; that’s because children are bodies of plasticity in virtue and vice to universality whereas adults at times just want a lot of evidence without the heartaches, without the drama, without the enthusiasm, without risks of management; or otherwise parents might as well leave their offspring in Jupiter for all heaven knows.  Let’s be children again!  I like a challenge where a TV sees me and puts me in distress for weird-looking creatures, ones with glowing heads, ones with formal attire, as grownups should relate to a Martian’s distrust for brats.  And we can’t forget about the obsolete truths of the ancients.  Remember how our ancestors would say that we could dance and make rain or pull the moon away with a breath into mystery that’d unfold causes until further notice?  Maybe aliens have more in common with us than we think.

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